Living on the knife edge

Who: Ole' Wall Eyes, U.S Jack, Tara
When: a little after lunch
Where: a really cool big archaic gothic battlecruiser, with rust, its
decrepid to, and it looks sooooo cool:>
"Ok, guys, listen, we've got your co-ordinates, we're coming over,
whatever happens: DON'T LEAVE THE SHUTTLE! And that's an order!"
Jack looked at the fading picture of Dean, and then to the ruined
comms unit. 'Y-y-you know, i bet if we just go and exp-p-plain
ourselves, theyl give us s-s-some stuff and let us go'
'Blancmange' Shouted an irrate Keats, he was already strapping up a
spare bazookoid and donning an enviormental suit, Jack twitched, and
smiled, he looked up at John 'Look thir..', 'BLANCMANGE!!! DAMMIT!',
Jack twitched again and grunted, finally, he was something useful, a
nervous securit guard with a hot finger, Joh threw him a customised
Assault Laser that had been gathering dust in the cupboard. 'Suit up'
said john, 'Ma'am, im afraid im gonna have to go out there, we need
to, ermm, explore....'. Tara looked sturnly at John, before grabbing
a suit and saying 'Theres not a chance your leaving me behind boys, i
want in, and to be quite frank, Dean can shove his order right up his
A..' Taras voice was cut out, a low grinding, straining sound groaned
around the bay 'And another thing, if im gonna die on here, i at
least want to go down fighting' John and Jack stared blankly as she
cocked a bazookoid, she really could do Bitchy well....
The patchy party went through the air locks, readings on Jacks weapon
showed that the atmosphere was made of large amounts of nitrogen,
oxygen, and hydrogen. (it should be noted at this point that this was
made by ALL of his personallities, it has buttons, knobs, levers, and
to be quite frank, no-one else dares to touch it!) They started to
get a feel for the place, it was quite obviously deserted, it seemed
for several millenia.. but that just wasnt possible.. was it? A light
pierced the gloom, but only served to illuminate rusted panels and
blinking lights, how they were still active, only John could guess
'It must be using a PONTER core, i learnt about these from a mate'
'Ponter?' questioned Tara. John looked up, switched on his own torch,
and sighed 'Pedulum-Oxi-Nucleur Turbo Emission Reactor, basically, it
never runs out'. Tara gorped 'Ohhh, ermm, yes...'. The ship groaned
once again, something shadowed the light from Jacks troch for a
fraction of a second. 'Ummm, guys, did you see that?' mutterd Jack,
nervously. 'Well, whatever it is, it aint bloody getting me homebrew'
exclaimed Keats, Cocking his bazookoid, shotgun esque! 'Lets roll
out!' The party moved onwards, and down a set of stairs...
'BLEWDY HELL!' Shouted Jack, 'Is it me, or is it gfetting hotter than
my pants down here?' Tara shudderd, of all the things she didnt want
to think about in this hostile enviorment, it was the state of Jacks
undergarments... Torchlight from tara illumianted a sign. 'Green
December, Ship guide.... hmmm, hey, guys, ive found something' Wall
eyes ombled over, whilst U.S Jack twitched where he was. 'It appears
to be a deck guide!' The two eyed it over, Over three quarters of the
ship was given over to ballistics, defense, the reactor, and training
facilities, a minute area on the lower decks (where they appeared to
be) indicated that they were in the crew quarters... Something
Scuttled behind them.......

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