oh gods, who knew rotting corpses smelt so bad....

Groaning is heard from the body, as an arm slowly rises from the
surface of the table...
---------- (end snip)---------
'That you see' said Keats, waving his arm towards the probably dead
cadavre, 'THATS not right!' the arm drifted across the table, the
corpse seemed to be atempting to haul itslef up... A small bolt
ofbluey red light shot out from behind them, smacking straight into
the side of the body, knocking it hard aainst the wall. 'No trouble,
see, hes not in such of a hurry to stand up now' proclaimed Tara, if
only she was right.... It started to get up. 'Umm, i thiiink we may
have a problem.....' Keats started backing off. Jack looked in awe,
and in the words of Maximilian Roivas (you know, that annoying fat
guy from eternal darkness..) he said 'Hmm, what a marvelous
specimin...'. Keats turned round and slapped Jack hard, 'Blancmonge
you idiot'. Jack blinked, back into the robust form of the security
guard, he pushed a secreted button, revealing a largeblade on the
underside of the barrel. 'Lets see him stand without any legs huh?' a
fraction of a second later, Jack was wiping off brownish blood from
his blade, the human corpse lay twitching on the floor.
The ship smiled to its self, well, it would if it could, instead, it
merely watched to see it new inhabitants next move.
Tara kicked the cadavre a few times, then unleashed a few rounds into
it. it lay mostly unscathed from this onslaught. 'Well, bazookoids
dont seem to work to well, which is odd, anyway, lets head on up'
The party started climbing the shaft on the opposite wall, carefully
avoiding the body.
The ship looked on, shifting a few of its many billion circuits, it
diverted power to the lifts and doors, as well as dumping the remains
of the cess pit.
A foot broke down the grate on the next floor, Wall eyes emerged. 'Ok
guys, and, umm, gals... this is the training floor, theres probably
going to be more of those bastards here, so kept your eyes open ay?
hopefully we can find some slavageable stuff on here' The other two
nodded, Jacks gun bleeped a few times before producing 3 cooled
martinis. 'Please Jack, be serious for once, ok?' sighed Tara. 'Just
thought a few refreshments were in order, thats all.... hey, john,
where are ya going?' John was investigating a body on the
floor. 'Watch out, it mite get up!!' shouted Tara, with what could
only be described as hope in her voice. 'Relax, i doubt it, see, no
head!' john kicked rolled over the head. 'Its got something in its
arms, its a weapon of some kind...' John peeled off the rotting
digits and slung his bazookoid over his shoulder before picking up
the weapon, he smiled, alot... 'You know what this is, ive used one
of these whilst playing... whilst training... yeah...
training...'. 'ummmm, no idea, sorry!' tara sounded bored, she wanted
to kill somwthing, or someone, and at the rate that the two guys were
moving at, one of them wouldnt be off her list. 'This, THIS is a mk
II 'AP-AP' Flettchette rifle, think of its as THE assault weapon,
half its weight is used to stabalise it when it fires, think of it as
a ballistic jam maker...' John was jumping up and down, loud
vibrations shook the floor. shambling footstep sounds could be
heard. 'Bad move boyo! how many rounds has that got??'. 'Two left'.
Jack smiled, Here they come.. He pulled the trigger as the first few
bodies approached the door, a small screen flipped up out of the side
and said with an annoying beep 'This gun has preformaed an illegal
operation and will be shut-down'. Jack swore, loudly and repeatedly...
The ship laughed...
OOC-Ok, things are getting surreal now, dont balme me, its SMAndys
fault, hes the one who put the walking undead here!!!

< Prev : once again into the breach my friends! Next > : OOC-10,000th post!!!!