Bad boys, Bad Boys, whattca gonna do?

Who: Captain White Wolf the Deceased, Jay/bender, Eve/Jessica Rabbit,
Kara, Rufus & Amber and Cannon the Villian.
Where: Someplace drifting in space trapped with Holly.
When: Did I forget to mention, I've TRAPPED WITH HOLLY FOR WAY TOO
"Right people we cant intorgate him properly here, So I'm going back
to realty for a sec and prepare his prison cell..."
"What?" asked White Wolf looking astonished and pausing in mid-fur
"Well, Hislight bee, going to make a few alterations to it so he cant
escape first...then...well, we'll see how much fun he can stand
"What do we do?" asked Jay
"Keep an eye on him and make damm sure his dont escape...or your ALL
on midget duty..."
<end snipazoid>
White Wolf went back to preening his fur back into it's proper shape.
Cannon spit out the gag, and Hollered, "You idiots won't be able to
keep me here forever!"
"Why not? I've the keys to all the padlocks & chains." Said Rufus.
"Because I'm the villian , and these are ACME padlocks and chains.
All I have to do to break them is puff up my chest like this.",
Replied Cannon, huffing and taking a deep breath until he was red in
the face.
Rufus smirked a little as Cannon quickly let out a whoosh of air that
messed up White Wolf fur some more.
"I don't understand it, I should have broke free..." Muttered the
Puzeled looking Cannon.
"That's because these are Acme chains, these are JMC Security
restraints." replied Amber smuggily.
"You shouldn't have told him that! He might now how to get out of
them!" Snapped Rufus.
"And I do. The Jupiter Mining companies restraints can't stand up to
spit, Literally." Says Cannon spitting on the chains.
"He's gonna get free!" Cried Eve/jessica Rabbit.
"Uh uh, not while I'm around, he's not." Says Jay/Bender suddenly
smacking him with a big cartoon hammer, knocking Cannon completely
senseless (complete with cartoon circling birds & stars over his
head) and causing something drop to the ground out of Cannon's pocket.
"Say, what's this?" Asked Amber picking up the dropped object and
examining it.
"Hey, That's mine! Give it back." says Cannon as he comes too.
Rufus walks over and glances over ambers shoulder then walks away
while commenting, "Oh, that's nothing but a Better than life game
that's been stripped of It's game module chip."
White Wolf's eye's suddenly go wide, "WHAT DID YOU SAY IT WAS?!?"
Meanwhile elsewhere...
Phil had finished the mods to cannons light, the next time
he downloaded into it, he would NEVER be able to escape...Also using
a feedback loop he had made it possible for Cannon to feel pain..Part
one was done...Opeing the small fridge Phil pulled out some fizzy
drink bottles...One lot for the crew the last one for Cannon...and
lets just say although the drink would be entering his body it might
not do it through his mouth...Signaling the guys in AR that he was
ready, he sat back and waited for them to arrive...
As Phil drummed his finger on the table in front of him as he was
waiting, he suddenly noticed that a waiter was standing next to him.
"Where the smeg did you come from?!?" Demanded Phil.
The wait humblely bowed towards Phil and calmly replied "I am your
host for this game sequel - Better than Life: Part two, the Nelson
Rating Entertainment Wars."
"Uh Oh... You me I'm not out of AR?"
"No, sir. You've merely changed venue in the game." Replied the
"What the Smeg is 'venue' mean?" Demanded Phil.
Meanwhile back in the Cartoon...
Suddenly the surrounding landscape about Kara, White Wolf,
Jay/Bender, Rufus, Amber, Cannon & Eve/Jessica rabbit shimmered and
shifted to a very realistic looking wind swept desert landscape as
music emulating the hit TV show 'Cops' suddenly broke out from all
around them.
"What's going on?" calls Jay/Bender.
"I don't know, maybe somebody changed the channel or something." Said
"My plan is finally working!" Screamed Cannon letting out a near
maniacal laugh.
"What's that noise?" asks Rufus.
"Sounds like Airbikes, I think." Replied the huge Hamster pricking up
his ears.
Back with the TV watching crowd upon the 'beer buggie' a crew member
yelled, "Hey, this Is my favorite show!", as they heard the Narrator
explain, "We now join the troopers in pursuit of the kidnappers, who
are currently interrogating a friend of the empire."
The scene on the TV suddenly switched to a pair of Stormtroopers
riding a Airbike towards the Cartoonish dwarfs as one intoned, "Their
within range!" And the pair started shooting.
"Their shooting at us!" Screamed Rufus, as Laser bolts started
exploding in the sand all around them.
"No Smeg, Mr. Obivousman!" Calls Eve/jessica ducking behind Cannon,
along with Jay/bender, Kara & Amber. Unfortunately, The overgrown
lint ball wasn't fast enough to dodge and one of the first few laser
bolts blew him up, so he was busy reforming.
Another laser bolt exploded right next to Cannon, and the group was
scattered in all directions from the concussion. And as the smoke
cleared, The group saw Cannon was free and legging it away while the
stormtroopers swept by and started to loop back to continue their
aerial assault on them.
White Wolf reformed back into his full hamster form and yelled to
Jay/Bender and the rest of the crewmembers about who were sitting on
their duffs in the sand about him, "Don't let him get away! He's the
only one who probably knows how to get out of this crazed place,
after him!"
OOC: Just a spur of the moment inspiration folks. I got it from
seeing a friends collection of fan film spoofs, Which I'll try to
upload some of them to parrots later today so all of you can be
similarly inspired and Enjoy them! :)
- Tim/White Wolf
Your (currently) Ghostly & Digtal Captain...

< Prev : Its ours, a new ship in the fleet. Next > : OOC-10,000th post!!!!