This is Gavin, he's gonna be joining the mining department, to look
at rocks and stuff.
Be nice!
Your character name: Keith Wirrals
Your character gender*: Male
Your character's age: 23
Your character's nationality*: British
Desired Department: Mining
Desired Job (in department): Miner/refiner
Section Three
Your character's physical appearance:
6.2, 10 stone, Slightly less muscle than his frame should allow for,
brown eyes and hair, a few freckles (mainly on and around his nose),
broken nose from childhood street fight and a shaved head, apart
from his fringe which hangs down below his eyes.
Your character's personality and interests:
Kieth has a very happy-go-lucky attitude to life, but this hides a
very long history of problems in his life which occasionaly surface
in the form of a dark comment among his usual cheery chatter. When
he's not exercising his love of all things mineral in the mining
department you'll find him ambling around with a small and select
group of friends from more or less every department, laughing,
joking and making bets with them as to how many more he can take
before he slides onto the floor unconscious.
Your character's history:
The child of a back street mechanoid repair and upgrade mechanic who
was, unfortunately, quite inept, Keith never had an easy childhood
right from the word go, but it became apparent to him at the age of
8 while he was out running away from home again that the stones he
repeatedly kicked as he went had a certian beuty and perfection f
form. It took him until he was 14 to realise that he had a natural
feel for the minerals and metals which mankind so depended on to
biuld his world of iron and concrete. Since he was little good at
anything else he decided to persue this line of thought and realised
that the only way he was ever going to be of any use to the world
would be to join a mining ship, or else fall into a street gang to
mug and hustle. He finished his piecemeal education and headed
straight to the J.M.C., where he was accepted as a recruit and
assigned to the mining ship Saturn's Set, where he learned his
trade. At just about the same time that the Red Dwarf dissapeared
the Saturn's Set met with engine problems, and was evacuated, Keith
caught the last pod out just as the whole ship was irradiated. When
the Blue Dwarf crew was formed Keith was one of the many
currently "redundant" miners hastily assigned to the Blue Dwarf

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