I would like to introduce someone new.....

Hello...I'm new..here..
The name is Dryden Edington...here's a bit about me...
Your character gender*:Male
Your character's age:28
Your character's nationality*: USA
Desired Department:Science
Desired Job (in department):Genetics and forensic science
Section Three
around 6"2', short spiky dark blonde hair, carries a slight air of
arrogance around him. Occationally combs his spikes down when he
gets a new "lady love" who doesn't like his spikes. Somewhat
Your character's personality and interests:
Dryden was forced into the space corp by his parents as a teenager,
having worked as little as possible through high school he wanted
nothing but to become a pilot, his parents however had different
ideas, being from the 'upper levels of society' the had enough spare
dollar-pounds lying around to buy thier son a place in the academy
where they forced him to study the sciences. It was here in the
droid Mr Teach 5000's biology class that he met Alexis Rose, with
whom he made a firm friendship, she helped him through his course,
and coupled with the swift and easy purchase of a few test answer
sheets Edington passed his course...albeit lacking half the
knowledge required!
Dryden has no interest whatsoever in his field of 'expertise'
although being a scientist is his job, he cant stand it! He faints
at the sight of blood and will get no where near a body that is no
longer breathing. He's a social person, often seen in Parrots
keeping the less intelligent (98.8% of total ships population)
crewmembers entertained with his anecdotes. Theres one type of
person he can't stand....pilots, when his parents forced him to take
up science he developed a deep jealousy of anyone who made their
living from flying spacecraft, although he has been known to sit at
the controls of a stationery starbug occasionally and wiggle the
stick making rocket noises with his lips. He also often lags on his
duties and leaves Alexis to take up the slack.
favourite phrases/sayings:
"Hydro-chloric WHAT?!"
"hee hee...look....it changes colo..." BOOM
"There are many reasons why the laidies like me. One, I look good.
Two, I have money. Three...well...um..I can't think of any
more..but I still have two really good reasons."
"I may act like a prat, but I'm a handsome prat."
"You do that Lexi, I'm going to Parrots for a drink."

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