The Taxi

Who?: whole away team
Where?: planetside
When?: does it really matter???
Alota who agreed she'd cut the access way inside, blew a hole with a
bazookoid, smirking insanley as she did so.
Jay leant around the edge of the hole "C'mon losers! Taxi's waitn!"
he yelled.
<and snip again!>
"Jay, am I ever glad to see you!" Exclaimed Phil, scrambling into
the 'Bug.
"eeee!" Agreed MP.
"I dunno, are you?"
"I swear man I am never, ever gonna cross you again! That's, like,
twice you've saved my life in about six hours!" Keith added, swishing
his fringe back with a hand and rushing inside with a grin "I tell
you what though, I really, really need a drink, everything is
beggining to get weird again!"
"Get used to it..." Mumbled dean, as he too entered the 'Bug.
Keith offered Amber a hand and pulled her up into the ship.
"Everybody in?" Shouted Alota, still grinning like a mad thing.
"Looks like."Said Phil.
"Ok then people, contact!" Shouted Jay as he Jumped into the pilot's
The Umbilical was detatched and reclaimed, and then they were away.
So it was short, but I don't know what should happen next!
Gavin "I need a drink" Branson.

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