It's just a jump to the left..<Bang> Oh. Smeg. Hit that Medibug.

Where: Dean's shuttle
When: 1984
Why: Well, that would be telling...
"Ok, lads and ladettes, welcome to 1984." said Dean, as the bug blipped into existence. "Home of the A-Team, Disco, and Maggie Thatcher."
Assorted members of teh crew were planning a reply when suddenly Dean slammed on the brakes. Then a gut-wrenching crash rocked the ship and it spun sideways into the medi-bug which had just plipped into being.
"Holy Mother of Smeg!" yelled Dean down the comm. "JAY! What the hell where you doing? You don't just stop with a bug tailgating you! It's just not right!"
"Sorry, I was... watching Keith."
"Dude, have you told Alota that you've switched sides."
"Oh smeg off." said a rather angry Jay
The comm blinked off. "Oh, just not smooth." said Zodar, "what's damaged then Dean?"
"Well, the cloak is shot to hell, the nav seat no longer goes up and down...Oh, and we've ruptured a fuel pump." he added as an afterthought.
"I'll see what I can do." said Zodar.
"DEAN?" came a new voice over the comm
"Oh christ." said Dean, recognising it.
"Hello sweetness..." he started
"Ask Jay. He stopped so I had to slam on the brakes and, well, we've kinda managed a 3 bug pile up."
"Ugh!" Jasmine signed off in complete disgust.
Sighing, Dean fired up the comm again.
"Hello? Any Engineers? A little help over here. 3 Bug pile up. And if you want to know why. It's all Jay's fault."
Dean "3 Bug Pile Up" Thomas

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