Swamp mud cocktail...

Who?: Keith&Kyla again
Where?: Parrot's
When?: How many times? 1984!!!
"What now?"
As if their conversation had only stopped for her to go to the loo.
And then there was a double-take.
"Keith! Buddy!" Kyla carefully didn't spill her drink as she
relocated herself to beside her newly re-newfound bestest ever
friend. Whom she'd met just a couple of hours before her adventure
with the stasis pod.
Things were looking up already.
"Kyla, what the mother of monkies happened to you? You only went to
find a packet of salt and vinegar flavour!"
"well, you know what it's like when your totally K.O.'d and you leave
to find a midnight snack..."
Keith nodded. He did know what it was like.
"Did you even, like, get your crisps?"
"I can fix that... Hey! Owen! A packet of salt and vinegar crisps for
the lady, and another Tanglefoot for me!"
He folded up a five dollarpound note up into an airoplane and
launched it at the barkeep, who caught it effortlessly. Owen then
folded up the change (exactly one dollarpound) and returned it by the
same method.
"He should be over here with that order in a minute."
"you're just too kind, you."
"Nah, it's as any gentleman would do."
They both smiled.
"Hey, here's to friends, old and new!" Kyla called, standing up and
brandishing her drink.
"Cheers!" Cried Keith, echoed by the whole pub. Their glasses met,
then both downed the drinks (Keith took considerably longer due to
the fact that he was holding a pint of real ale).
"Hey guys! Here's your order." Owen wondered up and passed them their
crisps and beer, respectively.
"Like, muchos grassy-ass Owen! Oh! And get Kyla another one of your
famous 'swamp mud' cocktails!"
"Oh no, I couldn't possibly go another one..."
"Go on!" Shouted an anonimous voice from the back of the pub.
"Yeah! Get it down ya!"
Owen came back with the cocktail
"Down it! Down it!Down it! Down it!Down it! Down it!"
Keith passed the hissing, bubbling drink to Kyla.
"I'll have it if you don't want it like."
"No, no I'll do it." She lifted the drink to her lips, and upended it.
(Drunken cheers)
And the evening went on like that for the entire preperation crew.
<tag, scavenger>
Gavin "pissed fart" Branson.

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