Concerning subs and porn stars

Who : Phil
Where : San fransico
When : 84 whilst everyone else is having fun in miami
Phil shuddered for some reason...
"the last time i felt like that was when Amber and Rufus decided they would buy the entire FF collection of I to XXIV on my credit card...."
The bug was coming in to land...
"Where shall we land sir?" asked the pilot..
"Over there in that parkland...should be nice and quite now night's fallen...cloak doing allright?"
"Yessir i gott it washed only yesterday..."
"Har bloody this thing will you..."
** 5 mins later, after getting changed **
Phil ran out of the bug , in case anyone saw him..
MP came jumping out, followed bythe pilots boot..
"Well served you right..."
"What map?"
MP pointed to a map by the park entrance. As Phil looked at it, he totaly failed to see the jogger come round the corner and smack his head on the now cloaked bug...
"So we're here right?" he said pointing
"And we have many places to go...dammit..We need to split cover this area and I'll go this way okay..."
Phil got out his radio and called someone
<<tag someone>>

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