*Action post* Narrow escape

"Come on!" yelled Dean, htting the flight stick. When this didn't work. Dean
decided to bail out. The starbug was due to collide with some rather
impressive looking coroporate structures and he decided he'd rather leave
"HUP!" Dean floated down, somewhere to earth. Lucky he'd chosen Jay's
parachute, his had a hole in it.
"That was a close one," Dean said, releasing the parachute on the ground and
dusting himself off. Then a car pulled up nearby, and a clown with a badge
stepped out.
"You're under arrest!" shouted the clown.
"Spoke too soon, as usual," Dean muttered, then turned to face the clown.
"It'll take more than a single clown to take me in," he shouted, putting his
fists up in a fighting postion.
The clown nodded, then whistled. The other door on the car opened, and fifty
clowns piled out. "That enough clowns for you?" he inquired, as he started
tossing a pie in one hand.
"Oh smeg," Dean said, then turned and ran.
Meanwhile, in orbit
As the defense stations blew up, the death jar starting turning to aim
itself at the Blue Dwarf. The pilots who tried to destroy it saw their shots
bounce off of a force field of incredible power. It was looking bad for the
Blue Dwarf, when suddenly, the space next to it rippled and a wormhole
opened up. Out of that wormhole came...
The Blue Dwarf.
It was somewhat different, though, with a variety of laser, plasma and
nuclear beams mounted on it, and it started blowing away the rest of the
defense stations.
Meanwhile, back on the surface.
Dean was running fast, as a dart sank into his shoulder. He didn't even
notice it, so cleverly designed it was. He jacked a motorcyle, knocking off
the owner with the infamous call of: "You've got insurance, don't be a
prick!" and zoomed off towards the nearest spaceport.
Meanwhile, in a specially darkened room
"Let him go," intoned a mysterious figure. "Our plans are working
Meanwhile, back in space
As the last defense station that was freezing the Blue Dwarf blew up, and
the pilots flew back into the shutle pods, and Dean made an escape from the
planet with a hijacked shuttle, the second Blue Dwarf oved close to the
first Blue Dwarf. In front of the two ships, a wormhole opened up, as the
wormhole drive on the second Blue Dwarf activated. Then, the two Dwarfs
moved through the wormhole to an unknown location in space (unknown to the
Evil Empire that is, it was known to the crew of the second Blue Dwarf,
because it wasn't, they wouldn't be going there, right?), followed by Dean.
Meanwhile, back in the specially darkened room
"Excellent. With the tracking device in him and Project Placenta nearing
completion, we shall be capable of tracking those rebels. Alert Emperor Keto
immediately," said Emperor Cerebrum, standing up out of his revolving chair.
"The Universe shall soon be safe for ointment and psychiatry."

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