Episode IV, A Blue Hope (fnar fnar)

There on the wall monitor, was a picture of BD as taken from the Voyager Deep Space Probe.
"You did something...you changed history....."
"I told you!" Tara said to Phil, even though she hadn't "I knew your meddeling would do something like this!"
<End snip>
"YOU MEAN ALL THIS IS YOUR FAULT?" Alternate Jay shouted addressing the entire group from the original Blue Dwarf
"Easy hon.." Rio said, pushing him back, "I doubt it was deliberate!"
"Even so, it's because of them...that.."
"I know babe I know"
Alternate Chrysler leant back against a wall, "If you guys hadn't screwed up the timeline, my brother would still be alive, he was killed a few years back in a battle with the Imperial flagship. In fact he's the main reason me and my sisters joined the resistance"
"Thats a little selfish" Original Jay said "Millions of people must have died by this point and your concerned about ONE?"
"Do you have ANY idea what it's like to lose a brother?" Alternate Chrysler said "How could you POSSIBLY know what its like?"
"Oh jesus..." Alota said, and laid her head in her hands
Original Jay laid a fist straight into his counterparts jaw, it took his doppleganger by surprise and kncked him to the floor. Jay stood over him and still clenching his fist with his left hand he pointed at the fallen pilot with his right.
"You have the NERVE to tell me I don't know what it's like? You're brother died a hero, in my world, we thought he died in the line of duty, 5 years later, we learned otherwise, we went to find him, only to find he'd turned into a psychopathic megalomaniac....I watched as he shot Vanessa dead, then just minutes after he was dead as well....I lost my big brother AND my little sister...at least you didn't have to watch them both die...and at least you were left without a reason to HATE him.....don't EVER tell me I don't know what it's like, because compared to me, you've had it easy."   
With that Jay strode out of the room and did a Keto-esque sliding-door slam.
"Well..." said Wirrals "That was new."
Alota turned to Alternate Jay who was only knowing getting to his feet "Did you say sister's? plural?"
"Yeah..Anna and Vanessa both serve here, Anna works in engineering and Vanessa in security"
"This isn't important now" Captain Tara said, she turned to Alota "I think we should dock the ship's we'll transfer some weapons across to you in exchange for food and medical supplies.. "
"Good idea" Alota said "And give the crew's a chance to meet who their gonna be fighting alongside" she reached for her comm "Dean, commence docking...SLOWLY!"
<tag peeps, ships are coming together so MINGLE!>
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