Rock the dragon...

Who: Keats, Keats, Jack, Jack and Mr severn.
When: Now
Where: Cargo bay 23, Parrallel Blue Dwarf
'Wow' said Jack, 'In our reality, this place is only used by
Ambassador Niples to play a few rounds of golf..'
Parallel Keats and Jack looked at each other 'That beer blown hippy?'
'What? No! hes like, well... Definatly not a beer blown hippy thats
for sure!' Keats and Jack looked at Keat and Jack, they stared back..
A sly voice cut through the silence.. 'Hey, you got some visitors for
training today Mr Keats?' John turned round 'How did you know who I
am?' The man looked at him, although he was small, and not well
muscled, the shear amount of grease stains made masculinity flow of
of him like sweat on a fat man. 'The hell are you chump... look
familiar..' John stared at him 'I tell you who i am, Im John
Frederick Keats, Pilot of The JMC Blue Dwarf, now tell me your name
dammit!' The man took out a cigar, and lit it casualy 'Ma names
Joseph Severn, Im an engineer on this dump, now, i wernt talking to
you boy, im talking to THE Mr Keats, Mr JACK Keats' Our Keats looked
sternly at him. Jack cut in 'Hey, Severn, these guys are from that
other ship that came by, they talk crazy, but there ok, hey, set up
the course on easy, im gonna let my man Jack here have a go... here,
youl need this' he said, drawing his long blade and handing it to
Severn cut in 'The course 's set up on easy, even YOU could do it,
Weaponary is downgraded, it cant kill you, but it will definatly give
you a nip if you get close. Basically, ya go from here, to there, by
any means possible, if you want out, holla and il shut it down, if
you get taken out, itl shut down automatically, you dont need the
skills of Dean to do this, so geet!' Jack handed Jack some armour of
sorts, it was a body fitting skin tight material that reacted and
went rigid on contact by ballist, or any material weaponary, and
polarised when laser based attacks hit ti. Special Enzymes built into
it healed the user if the armour was penetrated, but this thing could
survive a Howitzer blast with little more than a few bruises (OOC- If
youve read any of Dan Simmons Hyperion Saga, youl know what i mean).
Jack lead the newly kitted up Jack into a lift that lowerd him into
the area, the lift desended.... Jack turned to the rest of them, We
can watch from here, he can hear us, but dont distract him, there are
some dangerous things down there... Severn smiled Slyly..
<SMAndy, tag, do it, dont bother with FFX tonight, Tag damn you!!>
OOC-Hey, Onion, Rosters grea, tho my pic tends to get cut off...

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