More powerful than Pepto Bismal.

In the shaft they had just come from, the following clowns wailed as
they were sprayed with water, washing thick clown makeup into their
mouths and eyes and then to dry them off a roasting fireball shot
through the shaft.
Seymour Butts belched a goodbye to the burning clowns as they all
slid down a shaft into the docking bay.
Who: Canazza, Timmy, Seymour Butts/Nipples, Efof and Donald
Where: The Docking bay
When: Directly after that snip
"Right, Where's Timmy#2?" Canazza scanned the docking bay for his alternates creation. Unfortunately, it was at the other side of the docking bay, between them and a huge army of clowns.
"Oh bumclouds" said Efof, "We'll never get over there"
The clowns seemed to ignore them, they were busy with something else. They ducked behind a set of crates that just happened to be lying there.
"is that weapons fire?" asked Butts
"I think so," Canazza said, "Timmy, stretch up and get a better view"
Timmy extended his stumpy legs from a measly 10inches to an amazing 10 foot
"Wow" Efof said, "I've never seen anything like that" he peered at timmy's legs that were extended to the maximum and prodded at them.
Timmy fell, actually, let's not exaggerate this now, he crashed, leaving a small imprint on the floor with his torso. The clowns ignored it.
"What did you see?" Canazza asked
"Someone's trying to get to the linkway, the clowns are going after them"
"So we wait"
And so they did, eventually the clowns left, leaving Timmy#2 well alone, obviously not knowing what it was for.
Canazza and Timmy made a break for it, and climbed aboard the battle machine that was once his alternates instrument of death.
"did you repair the laser cannons?" Timmy asked, since his only duty was to fire them
"Yes, don't worry, I've even increased the power a bit" Canazza made all the pre-start checks, "Let's motor"
Timmy#2 started to move, the rest scattered as it moved towards them.
It's foot came down with a thud.
There was a series of honking noises coming from the corridor.
"Get out of here," Canazza shouted, the rest of them ran back towards the boxes.
"ready Timmy?"
"Ready" Timmy warmed up the lasers.
A row of Clown soldiers came running at them down the corridor, spraying ointment at them, but doing nothing to the outer shell of the droid.
Timmy fired the modified lasers, and took out the entire line up with one shot, along with all the doors, windows, walls and light fittings in the way, and widening the corridor by about a foot each side.
"Powerful" Timmy smiled, "me like very much"
A platoon came from behind them and Canazza turned the shoulder mounted cannons towards them and took them all out along with a portion of the floor.
"We'll have no docking bay left at this point" Canazza pointed out
"we have to get out of here!" Timmy exclaimed
"We can't! The doors are too small" Canazza took out another platoon and a chunk of the wall this time.
"Yes we can" Timmy aimed for one of the corridors and blasted a new roof along it.
"what about Efof and Butts, we can't leave them with that psychopath"
"we can only hope he gets turned into a ferret, and anyway, i'm sure they'll find a way out. But first we have to lead those clowns away"
Canazza started the bot moving for the newly create doorway, continually blasting the other rows of killer clowns comming out of the other entrances.Name: Dave Canazza
Status: oh blast 

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