
"Back, to the infernal abyss where you came from, by all the powers investedin me by the Evil Empire," shouted the clown, whiping out a cross andforcing Phil back with it.
"AHAH - that little cross doesnt scare me...."
"Look closer"
so Phil did...
"ARGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHh - Barney the dinasaor...dressed asa morris man....nooooooooooooooooooooo"
"That was a bit of luck..." said the little clown ignoring Phil who was gibbering on the floor
"Yeah dunno how that pic of Barney got stuck on there..."
"Yeah odd that..."
****************************************************Want to know what been on my mind and what i been up to lately?Then check out my live journel at the thing below

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