That might not have been meant to happen, but this was...

WHO?: Keith, Wires an Kyla.
WHERE?: in the corridor outside of Kyla's room.
WHEN?: As the light-hearted slapstick comedy brigade was charging...
There was a Simulant lounging in her doorway, picking his teeth with
a long metallic fingernail, and grinning.
"Shit," Kyla said philosophically, smashing the bottle and holding
the neck with its jagged points of glass towards the Simulant,
knowing that she hadn't a chance in hell of escaping this bastard
The two miners had left the X-O group to deal with the clowns while
they secured the area and acted as a rearguard, since Kyla only lived
a few "streets" away from Parrots and Keith could tell a shattering
bottle from a mile away, they were let straight to her...
Keith rounded a corner and spotted Kyla.
"Hi Kyla! What happened to you? I haven't seen you in, like, ages,
how are..."
and then he spotted the simulant
"JESUS! How did that rat-bastard get on the ship!?"
Wires opened fire, not even bothering to comment.
<tag, Lauren? you've got support now, in the form of a Robocop-style
automatic handgun and a minigun!>

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