Time for operation Get the bastard back

Who : Phil, Geek Phil, Mini Phil..and the two seymours
Where : the Rebel BD, on The BFT(the last word is Tank, the first is Big and the middle sounds like clucking)
When : Just as the Raven was taking on supplies etc
"NO..." this was our beloved ambassador trying to stop his doppleganger and the midget from acces the "Shit-hot Goats" channel.
"Shut up you lot i'm trying to member the controls..."
"Now pay attaention will you 007, I mean Feubggure, I DO want this returned in one piece..."
GP pulled out his note book and started to read the instructions
"This lever...controls speed..." said GP
"This one?" said Phil pointing as a small button.
"Dont press that...thats the ejector for the rear passanger section?"
"Really? Cool...can i ..."
("Turn the rubbish off, it's time for Garnders world")
Phil tried to ignore the 3 way agrument going on behind him and...him.
("Me and the midget are watching the Goat channel okay? Besides WTF is Gardner World?")
"This ones fire the main cannon?"
("What do you mean no gardners  world?")
"What about targeting?" asked Phil, raising his voice slighlty
("We got "Hats for Clowns", but thats on the propaganda channel...me and the midget want to watch the Porn channel...another 5 mins and the "Farmyard special" will be over...")
"It's automaticaly focus, just look and fire.."
"Groovey...now excuse me one sec..."
"Phil dont press that button...I know how tempting it must be but dont..."
"Arse, you sound like Tara...."
Both of them have a brief pause, GP as he thought about his captain, Phil as he thought about Tara...and Captain tara and himself in the middle..
"....hey, it's not cheating after all she is my wife.....I said that bit outloud didnt I?"
****************************************************Want to know what been on my mind and what i been up to lately?Then check out my live journel at the thing belowhttp://www.livejournal.com/users/ckentlea

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