The Mimal Battle

Who: Canazza, Timmy, Elwood, E-45, Donald
Where: Their Starbug, in the middle of the Mime Field
When: this is REALLY a redundant field isn't it...
Canazza awoke, for some reason he was staring at a light, the surroundings of the light were pitch black. There was a shadow moving over the light, it seemed familiar.
It was a sort of claw, as it came into focus a bit he could make out a metallic sheen. He tried to say "Damn, my head hurts" but could only manage a small grunt, so small that not even Canazza could hear it.
The image came into focus, it was Elwood, unfortunately, it wasn't in colour.
Canazza sat on the bed and tried to speak, but instead had the strangest urge and mimed. He gestured towards his head and scrunched up his face, then he pointed to his eyes, made an arc in the air with his finger and then crossed it out.
Elwood looked at Canazza, he gestured with his Skuttery form being trapped in some kind of box, and then mimed an evil overlord type face doing a manic laugh.
Canazza understood this as "We're trapped in a mime field set out by the evil emperors" although he was unsure why, then he realised, it was because they were in a mime field.
"Who's flying the ship" canazza mimed
Elwood shortened himself to two foot tall, then mimed having a hangover, and then mimed a clock going backwards
"Ah, Timmy" Canazza mimed back, ducking down to 2ft tall also. "He sobered up before me"
E-45 entered the room and gestured towards Canazza, then started stroking a pretend rodent in his hand, and pointed to Canazza, then to the rodent and back again and then towards the cargo bay.
Canazza understood this and was chilled, They had found his other self, still as a ferret, snoozing in the cargo bay and given him the antidote.
Donald entered the room with a smug grin on his face, once again he'd evaded death.
Canazza made an odd gesture, one that E-45, in his innocence, didn't get, but Elwood and Donald quite obviously got, and it was quite obviously an obscene insult involving a welsh farmer.
Canazza gestured for them to take him to the hold, but before they could get to him, Donald trapped them all in invisible boxes.
Canazza pulled out an invisible pen knife and cut the box open. He started to run towards Donald but ran straight into an invisible brick wall.
"SMEG" Canazza Gestured (damned if I know how)
Canazza had a smart idea, he quickly pulled out an invisible jackhammer and pounded a hole in the wall.
He stepped through and out into the hallway, where Donald was standing at the other end, near the airlock.
"Ha ha! You'll never get me now" Donald Gestured
"Wanna bet?" Canazza also gestured, he reached for an invisible button on the wall and blew the airlock, Canazza, protected by an invisible airtight bulkhead, watched as his alternate was sucked towards the hatch. As he went he gestured "You'll never get away with this"
and just before he was sucked out for good, Canazza pointed towards space, shook his head, pointed to his ear and pretended to be trapped in a box, quite adequately miming the phrase "in space - no-one can hear you mime"
His alternate vanished into the blackness of space, Canazza resealed the airlock and represurised the midsection.Name: Dave Canazza
Status: is this the last we'll see of Donald?

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