Eww gross

unfortunately, all that happened was the necrotic tissues fell apart and his arm came off and landed on the guards chest.
Luckily though the guard fainted.
"smeg..." he thought, bending down to pick the arm up. As he touched the arm it was absorbed back into him and regrew back into place. "hmm, interesting" he went to touch the guard, to see if he could absorb him and take his form, but alas he couldn't.
Instead he nicked his uniform and hoped that he wouldn't be spotted if he took to staying on the darker corridors.
Who: Random Crew member #425,  Substitute Psychiatric officer
Where: Blue Dwarf Psychiatric office
When: Three hours after the snip.
"honestly, I saw it, it was grey and puss-filled, it held it's arms out and walked funny."
The substitute Psychiatric officer (infact, just a medical officer who worked there for a week last june) just sat there nodding his head and playing naughts and crosses on his notepad.
"So, tell me about this 'zombie'"
"I already did, it was grey and puss-filled"
"Where did you see it then?"
"Well, first of all, I was working in the morgue, sorting out the death certificates"
"uh huh" he continued playing his game
"Then, I saw him in the toilets, I climbed out the vent shaft"
"DAmmit!" he cursed, "I lost, erm, I mean, go on"
"THEN I saw it again, in the corridor near the promenade"
"And has anyone else seen this so called 'zombie' anywhere"
"I assume so, since there were other people in the vent with me at the time"
"Okay, You are suffering from mild dementia, manifesting itself as supernatural beings, imaginary people and sweaty palms"
"I don't have sweaty palms"
"Also, you are in denial" he added.
Just then, The necrotic Zombie walked passed the window.
The officer just burst out into hysterics...
the trainee psychiatrist turned around, he saw nothing but a man in a security officers uniform with slightly pale skin.
he pressed the button on the desk, "Security, please send someone to room 201, I have a patient for you to take to a padded cell"
he pressed another button that secured the medical officer to the chair he was sitting on.
"Wow, cerebrum's gadgets are great" the psychiatrist said, leaning back.
Just then, the zombie came through the door,
"LOOK OUT!" the patient screamed, but the psychiatrist started a new game of naughts and crosses on his pad and ignored him
The zombie blindly bumped into the chair and the psychiatrist turned around.
the zombie began to feel around and managed to grab the psychiatrists head.
Thinking it was a ball, he pulled, and his arm came off and landed on the poor man's lap. Both men fainted, and the zombie picked his arm up and reabsorbed it.
10 minutes later, when the security team arrived, there was no sign of the zombie, but both men were gibbering wrecks and in hysterics.
"better get another stretcher" one of them said,
<tag - does anyone else wanna face up to a blind, necrotic, amnesiac zombie?>Name: Dave Canazza
Status: mmm... ball...

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