The truth revealed atlast

OOC: Okay, this zombie storyline is beginning to bore me - so i've decided to end it and tell you all who's who in the twins saga :D
Who: Canazza
Where: A bathroom
When: buggered if I know
He stared at the mirror, he couldn't believe it, he looked normal.
Pink skin, pupils, even HAIR!
He could even remember who he was and what happened.
He was standing there, in the starbug, everything was black and white.
He had his mime-beating bazookoid ready.
His alternate had his mime-beating gun ready.
They both fired. His weapon missed the alternate and made a black scorch mark on the wall.
Then he felt a pain in his chest, and the next thing he knew he was on the plinth in the morgue.
He was Engineering Officer 2nd Class Dave Canazza of the JMC Mining Vessel Blue Dwarf.
So where is his alternate?
He ran out of the loos and over to a console
"Holly" He asked "Where am I?"
"You are on deck 21, section 4, white corridor 12"
"No, my alternate"
"You're alternate is on deck 14, section 6, the morgue"
"Okay then, my alternates Twin!"
"Oh, right, he's on the Death Jar last time I heard"
"Oh, so he scurried on home did he?"
"No, he was dragged there on a mission to blow it up"
"Oh, did they succeed?"
"Someone did" Holly looked off his monitor, "Yep, it's definitely not there anymore"
"Phew, so he's dead then"
"Probably... hold on, wait" Holly ducked off screen entirely and stayed off for a few seconds, "Yeh, I've just gotten a message from the raven, 'Rescued crew members from Death Jar, including Dave Canazza, Ambassador Nipples, Phil, Dean, and others - oh, and we're under attack...' "
"So that means my evil twisted alternate is aboard the raven"
"Looks that way, you'd better get going"
"Going where?"
"To save them?" Holly proposed
"Oh... actually, i was going to tell a superior officer, but you're plan sounds okay"
<tag those on the Raven>Name: Dave Canazza
Status: ALIVE!

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