The Emperors Escape - Again

Who: The Emperors, their minions, and the Raven group
Where: The Raven
When: Just after the shooting of Captain Tara
<< SNIP >>
> "You didn't handcuff me too well Sir." Amber said pulling out her
> knife, a long eight inch decorative thing. She jumpped at EK and EC
> and slashed at them making them jump back and drop the hostages.
<< END SNIP >>
Keto spun back to the left, dropping Mini-Phil. He was both
panicked and somewhat relieved - panicked because he was now backed
into a corner with a knife-wielding woman in front of him, but
relieved because at least now that midget wasn't being held by him,
but was rather standing there in front of him
...panicked. Definitely panicked.
"Cerebrum!" yelped Keto as the midget advanced, "Could use some
help here!"
"I'm a little occupied," stated Cerebrum as Amber turned away from
Keto and towards him, the rest of the Raven crew dropping various
items of tea apparatus and grabbing for their weapons as she did so.
"We don't have time for this!" snapped Cerebrum, clicking his
fingers. Unlike Keto, he had possessed the good sense to step right
rather than left, meaning he was now within the breach in the
hull...out of which a couple of mimes suddenly leapt, grabbed him and
hauled him back inside inches before Amber stabbed him.
"Oh, yeah, thanks!" shouted Keto, dodging a pounce from the
steaming mini-Phil and turning to run, only to find himself face-to-
face with an armed Raven crew.
There was a high-pitched whine from the direction of the Lesser
Death Jar. Everyone in the Raven turned to stare at it.
Keto was the only one to recognise the sound, and react by ducking.
A wide-angle spray of ointment shot out of the gap at head-height.
Some sort of what may have been mustard spattered into the eyes of
the Raven crew, who immediately lost all interest in anything other
than getting the gunk out of their eyes. Keto stood up smiling.
"Aha," he said coldly, "NOW who has the upper hand?"
"Oh bugger. We forgot you were down there."
Keto made a flying leap for the hull breach, barely avoiding mini-
Phil's teeth, and rolled into the Lesser Death Jar.
There was a loud slam as a bulkhead shut, sealing the ship, and
then the LDJ broke away, leaving part of itself embedded in the
Raven, keeping it pressurised.
"Yes, I know we should kill them," observed Cerebrum in the pilot's
seat as Keto took up station next to him, "But we want them to watch
us blow that rebel ship up, don't we?"
"Of course," grinned Keto, as Cerebrum flicked a switch. A large
picture of the rebel Blue Dwarf appeared on a screen, with a pair of
crosshairs imposed over it.
"Firing," stated Cerebrum. And he did.
OOC: Okay, the rebel BD's now under attack from the Lesser Death
Jar. And yes, it's quite a heavy attack, so the rebel BD's probably
going to be horribly damaged. Plates crumbling, bits breaking off,
it's not going to be pretty. Use your imaginations, hehe. ;) Oh.
And post. Duh.

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