Knife in the back

Who: Jay, Alota, Keto, Tree, Wildflower, Cerebrum
Where: Medibay
When: Right about now!
> "That would be the pent up killing rage, Mr Chrysler," growled
> Keto, "Now, Wildflower, go and make yourself useful - I need you and
> the Tree to set up a recuperation area for Mrs Chrysler here. And
> preferably some sort of painful fate for Mr Chrysler."
> "That last one's optional," pointed out Jay as Wildflower and the
> Tree hurried off.
At this point, Cerebrum entered the medi-bay, covered in ashes and not much
else. "What do you have for third degree burns?" he asked.
"What happened to you?" asked Jay.
"An accident. Nothing involving an ultra-secret investigative agency that I,
of course, don't belong to, or any missions that this agency (which does not
exist) may have asked me to do." That'll keep them from suspecting me,
thought Cerebrum, after he gave his explanation. "Oh, the crew seem to be
somewhat upset with me," he added
At this point, there came a shout from outside the door. "Bastard!"
There was a thunk follow by footsteps fading into the distance
"Oh, I also need something for a throwing knife in the back," Cerebrum
continued, stepping a bit more inside the room so the automated doors
"Doesn't that hurt?" asked Jay again, noting that most of Cerebrum's skin
appeared to have been burned off.
"You have no idea," said Cerebrum. "I don't get why the crew blames me for
this whole Evil Empire fiasco. It's not as if I rule the galaxy, or use evil
armies of entertainers to enforce my will upon people. Oh, almost forgot."
Cerebrum snapped his fingers, and a mime appeared.
"The crewmember running down the hall. Grab him, tie him to a chair, then
put on a mime act in front of him for eight hours."
The mime nodded and hopped off.
"Now where were we?" Cerebrum inquired, then nodded. "Oh yes, I'm going to
collapse unconscious due to blood loss and the lack of surface tissue all
over my entire body. I remained awake this long because I've been
hallucinating that I'm a real tough guy."
Then he screamed, and fell forward onto his face

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