Remote Contol

The MP(Mini-Pheonix, not BD's resedent pervert) exited the wormhole...sadly sliglty off course
"Where in frell's name are we?" asked Phil...looking at those nerby and daring them to say anything
"It looks like Aha, where by the optic nerve...geddit...looks like? optic nerve...I'll shut up now" mumblede keto
"Why are we here?"
"Dunnon...lets see what going on shall we..." said Phil
"Thats it Phillip your on the couch when we get back for that god awful pun!" moaned Tara
"Just dont argue with her mate, not worth it..."
"Is it me or is Dean moving about a lot?" asked Phil, standing next to Jay
"Dunno...We dont have any acces to his senses...."
Phil just stood and smiled
"Oi - Keto How long do we have?" Phil yelled at Keto
"Ages yet, oh loud mouthed one" the doctor replied
"Jolly Good!"
"Phil what you got planned..." said Jay recgonises the tone of Phil's voice..
Phil pulled a big grin
"Do we still have those probes from way back when we were fighting the Plebs?"
"Yes why?"
"Load one into the cannon will you..I think It's time we had a little bit of fun here..."
"I dont get it?"
"Simple..We plug this console directly into Deans nervous systems...we can then Remote control him"
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