Re: Where\'s Lysistara when You need her

  Even being in a constant pissed off state, Taylor was a pacifist at heart.  He might have cussed out a dog, but he would have sooner kissed it before he kicked it.  He had a solid believe that life wasn't something to be taken for giggles, or because someone said God said so, but because your family and friends were in danger.  He was now looking at the Marines in three different ways, customers, a occupation force equal no worse then the Nazis, and of course men who were flirting with Agatha, when he had never had the guts to do it.  As customers he he could accept them, but everything else left him slightly, or very irked.
  War he had always figured was how the status quo occupied itself when it wasn't thinking about who was sleeping with who.  War would always be, because the human race liked to groan, and grimace, and make other people groan and grimace. To the status quo actors and artist of the male gender were usually gay because they preferred to dance or paint, or to study beauty, and not to randomly place holes into other people  Then there were the people who wanted to help other people, by not invading their country, and blowing things up, but to generally try to leave the place better then was, this was consider crazy, by most people A) we have our own starving people B) they will just hate us tomorrow C) They don't go to our church so there for they our heathens.  This of course is Wong, we hardly even help our own people hell it takes an act of congress for some kids to help around the house.  They may hate us tomorrow, but at least if we did our best and
tried to make  them feel better when they bombed us they would be the irrational ones. The church thing well every church, and every school of thought always thought it was better then everybody else, so whats the freaking difference
 Agatha was no Lysistrata, she was warm, and friendly, kissable, and all other types of things to the occupying marines.  The outer Taylor felt that maybe she could get married, and he would be rid of her, but the inner part feared that, but had no desire to act like a jealous boyfriend.  Especially when it was a hundred to one
OOC: I hope this doesn't sound like the ranting of an idiot
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