Taylor Still Bleeding

  The medics were slipping off dejected, and somewhat depressed that Taylor hadn't enjoyed the probes as much as they enjoyed them.  Lockhart gave them and Taylor and understanding look, but he finally sheltered on Taylor's gapeing wound.  Agatha, well Agatha was livid, she shot Taylor a look girls only used over protective, prom crashing, baby picture showing parents, and strange creature from the 13-D.  For some reason taylor felt some empathy for her,and he didn't want to screw it up for her and the Lt. <"I'm sorry." He was still holing his arm out, as his fingers were turning read.
  'Come on man at least let me make a tourniquet." Lockhart yelled out severly moved by Taylor's pain."
 "Oh all right Glory boy (dumbass)." Defeated, and pissed, taylor braced himself like a 5 year old, ,and let Lockhart start to fix him up.
OOC: Yeech!.
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