Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] A Patchwork Apple

Skylar was leaning against a wall when keith and kara ran past him.
"Hey guys what's the hurry?"
Thats when he heard the growl which reminded him of the time his uncle took
him to see a three headed dog at the circus which later turned out to be
rabid and killed a lot of clowns...but anyways he looked up at it screamed
and ran so fast that he smacked into keith causing them both to fall.
>From: "rambomageesh" <rambomageesh@...>
>Subject: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] A Patchwork Apple
>Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 07:28:11 -0000
>OOC-ok, a lil problem here, most probably due to yahoo sending error
>thingys, or summin, theres been a lil cock up, so this is to be
>placed between Karas 'Expletives are called for' post, and my 'Must
>cameo' post that i had put out like, seconds before Mcgellens.
>Who: Keats, Kara
>Where: Random BD corridor 4b
>When: a minute ago.
>Keats ran on past Keith, his mind telling him that at the top of his
>priorities was to get and underwear change....
>His mind slipped back to a minute ago to avoid the pain in his legs
>that felt like Lead...
>McGellen glared at Keats. "But since as everyone knows trouble
>whereever you go so I'll come with you. Maybe I'll get to wipe a few
>marines." She finished with a smile.
><end clip>
>'Well, bugger this for a laugh, wanna go to parrots?' Keats was at a
>last resort, his legs were giving up, and his mind needed help
>staying away from his underwear..
>Kara mused over the offer, 'A drink... THAT would be good' She smiled.
>'Holly, l have a Vodka-spritz, straight up with lemon' Kara smiled at
>the advantages of being a hologram.
>'Lazy dead gi..' Keats mutterd to himself, the sound of a large metal
>pipe being posed in the crushing skull posistion cut off the end of
>his sentance.
>They headed off towards parrots bar. Keats walked behind Kara,
>deciding that if they didnt find any marines for her to batter in,
>she would probabbly resort to him. He gulped. For two good reasons.
>Keats heard a shuffling benieth the floor. 'You err, here that...
>umm, Ma'am?' Kara turned around, the blood had started to dry on here
>pipe and bits of flesh were tangled up in her hard-light clothing.
>'Wh-at did you say?' Keats throat tightend
>'I.. I heard something from below.
>They both looked down.
>There was a snarl, the sort of snarl a Hymenoptera would make when
>sitting in wait under the flooring grates.
>'I have a feeling of Deja Vu' Keats said, nervously.
>'Run!' Kara shouted at John.
>'I knew it...' and keats ran, finding new reserves on energy..
><Tag from Must cameo peeps, specially you Kara, kill this git and
>lets par-tay!>
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