Booze Powered Batterys

Where : Cargo Bay 2
When Just Now
Who: Dante, Jack (not Evil one), Charlie
"greetings on behalf of the JMC mining ship Blue Dwarf, i am Security
officer Jack fe....<ahem>, Jack." he said, very politely for his
usual way of speaking, with a little nod of greeting.
The door to the ship opened slowly, and a large man stepped out. Jack
"Hahahah" A deep frank brouno like laugh filled the room. Jack didnt kow
whether Dante was being friendly or taking the mick. "Small Jack man looks
scared." "No just happy to meet you gulped Jack" Readjusting his sheath on
his back. Dante used on massive had to reach over Jack and pull out his
sword. " What small Jack man got here hey?" Dante gave a few vicous swipes
rather to close to Jacks head. "Sorry could i have that back please.....
Sorry i didnt catch your name." Jack was slowly plucking up his normal
courage again as Dante started to walk away and swing his new toy around the
cargo bay like a ragdoll. "Here have it back" Dante flicked the blade into
the air and caught by the tip. And passes the handle end back to Jack. "Too
small for me any way," Dante had become rather intreged by a random barrell
in the hold. He picked it up with ease and started bench pressing it. "
Dante" he said comfortably as he banged out another 10 reps. "sorry" replied
a rather bemused Jack. " Dante, You asked me name and i gave i to u, Oh and
meet Charlie."
"Who???" Dante nodded in the general direction of the Bus ship. Jack turned
round and jumped. There was Charlie hovering silently in front of Jacks
head. "He's a jumper Dante"
"I know, be a pal and unload the ship would you Charlie." Jack turned back
round still dumd struck As Dante breathed "300" and stood up again. Dante
not even sweating walked over to Jack who was now unloading all 1 pair of
trouser and 2 t-shirts which obviously werent Dante's. "So Jack, can i call
you Jack, This is Blue Dwarf. and You are" Dante was now leaning his eintire
weight onto Jack's shoulder. Security Offivcer Jack Fe.... Jack just Jack."
A frown had appeared on Dantes face the could of at least sent down an
empeor or something, I mean I am Dante son of ..... Whats Dads name again
Charlie." Charlie was callapsed on all 3 pieces of luggage. Charlie weakly
half raised an arm as if to sail cant be bothered. "Any way Jack Wheres the
food?" Dante rubbed his belly wildly. And the word food Charlie was buzzing
round Dantes head. " He..He doesnt eat does he?" asked Jack. "No." Replied
Dante Edging Jack to the door, "But its quite clever actually, a little mod
that i made to Cahrlie.Booze Suppys his power cells."
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