(no subject)

Who: Sara and Bob
Where: In the A.R. Suite
When: About 11pm
Sara examined her surroundings. She pondered over the artificial
reality helmets for a moment, then looked down to Bob.
"Interesting ship," she commented. "Looks like a basic vessel... No
signs of advanced mechanics, seemingly pathetic simulation games!"
Sara's shock seemed to have subsided, and her bitchiness was
returning to her. She turned and sat in one of the seats for the AR
machine. With some interest, she tapped the keys.
"Lets have a little look-see..." she muttered.
Suddenly, Sara found herself in a perfect replica of Earth. She
looked around, and took in the earthly smells.
"Reminds me of home... Interesting software.." A small smile crept
across her face as she sauntered around. She appeared to be in a
forest, and there was a sign of a town ahead of her.
"Impressive.." she breathed, examining her surroundings. She reached
a bar, and wrinkled her nose at a drunkard that lay holding a vodka
bottle in a paper bag.
"Yoouuuu got any mon'y, lurve? I cann'a get uup..." he slurred,
holding out a dirty, bruised hand. Sara looked like she had been
"What? I do not communicate with beings such as yourself!" she said
cattily, her eyebrows raised.
"I think I've seen enough for now.. and Bob will be missing me..."
She clapped her palm and she was back in the AR suite.
"Well, that was different.." she said, and stood up.
"Lets go see what else is going on.." She walked out and along the

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