Re: OOC- Bios

"do you rekon that its some kinda quantum time flux, or perhaps some
alien parasite that has made about two thirds of the crew on BD
neither 21 or 22 years of age?! anyway, i would post but im
unconcious with a gash in my back... toodles!"
YAHAA!!!! (Arg, this is my first post. Sorry, they'll get better I
Suddenly waking up from a 'lavender' derived (....)afternoon(?) nap,
Petal's eyes open, and the ceiling of the laundry bay slowly comes
into focus. After a quick session with some honeysuckle extract, she
was racing back to the medi-bay, which was drawing her in in that
kind of amnesiac/prophecy way...
Almost tripping over some hyperactive nurses on the way in, she finds
2 strikingly tall men in her med bay. And one of 'em's bleeding all
over the floor! Having absolutely no idea about the recent plot
developments, she asks, "Yes? What are you doing in my office? Oh,
right, the blood..... I can get you summin for that.". She pulls out
a large syringe and some yellow bubbling liquid from her OmniRag*,
and despite Jack's frantic hand gestures and whimpers, manages to
inject Keats. Keats' vision slowly fades to black....
Meanwhile, the doctor starts up a conversation with a pink tree.
<Wow, I'm, like, Xavier Keto's non-evil twin.....>

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