Pipe bashing and psychotica

McGellen ran out of Parrots in a raving mad state. She smashed the pipe
against anything she thought was moving. "I want me life back! I want me
life back!" She shouted. She stumbed down some stairs unharmed. She got up
and looked around. "Smeg!" She screamed in rage. She moved through the
corridors hissing at anyone who passed by. She needed a break before she did
some serious damage. She threw he pipe away as she entered the AR Room. "If
I can't get out of here I can at least get away from it." McGellen said.
She looked through the games and found one of particular interest. BETTER
THAN LIFE. She had heard of it. She had always wanted to try it. Perhaps she
could get a bit of a break for a few days. She put the game in and plugged
herself in. Paradise awaited her.
(Oh no the game! Ah well anyone interseted in this join in)
Smeg On, Captain Emerald.
"Fear me for I am a writer!(evil laughter)"
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