More Medibay Chaos

Who: Let's not start this again
Where: Medibay (no hyphen!) :P
When: The Tree still must be getting tired by now...
> ''What about your elbow?''replied Keto
> 'oh never mind i'm just being melodramatic. It doesn't even hurt
> that much, i just hoped for a few days off really...''
> Emma then realized she was talking too much, ''so can i help?.
"Yes, as a matter of fact," stated Keto, filing away in his mind
the fact that JMC employees were all too eager to go on
vacation...without paying him the standard bribe. "I need to you go
out into the medibay there and make sure that Phil FeBuggre doesn't
come in here and see this."
Then he paused.
"Who are you, by the way?"
"Emma," replied Emma, "Emma Bonney Roberts."
"Have you had your standard JMC checkup yet?" frowned Keto.
"Yes, definitely!" nodded Emma quickly. Word of Keto's checkups
and ointment-treatments spread fast, even in enemy deep space
"Oh. Well, good. Anyway, you'll recognise Phil FeBuggre I have no
doubt. He's the one with a smaller version of himself around him.
I'd watch out for that one, actually."
Just then, Jack stumbled in.
> "Ointment is the future, you should know that!"
> And he walked out to Keats, who just opened an eye enough to see a
> tube of ointment coming near him...
"I don't believe it," murmured Keto to himself, "Two people
bleeding to death, and a third who is in a bad state and ordering me
around...where's Wildflower with the rest of my medical staff?"
Quickly, he spread some of the ointment upon Keats before the prone
crewmember could even begin to object. The look in Keats' eyes said
that either the pain had been relieved, or doubled. Keto didn't have
time to clarify that.
"Keep an eye on him," he said shortly to Jack, "If he starts to
turn green or catches fire, let me know."
With that, he headed back into the office to struggle with Amber.
OOC: Sheesh, reappeared at the right time, didn't I? ;) Tag.

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