Medibay, Phil and a "cunning plan"

"Keep an eye on him," he said shortly to Jack, "If he starts to
turn green or catches fire, let me know."
With that, he headed back into the office to struggle with Amber.
Dean followed. "Hey, you got any..." Dean stopped when he saw
Amber. "Um.. Keto, she's looking a bit unwell."
"Well, she did try to kill herself, it is the usual response."
"I'll go and get Phil..." Dean turned to go.
"Not if you want to live."
"Ok, I'll not go and get Phil."
"Good boy." said Keto. "How the hell do we hide this from him
though? I mean, it's fairly obvious what she's tried to do here."
"Hm... Well, I could go through, tell Phil that we heard that
Amber's in trouble on the cargo deck. Then we go and have a bit of a
goose chase aroung there. Meanwhile, you here can put some other
random bandages on Amber so that it looks like she's fallen off a
gantry or something, and not just hurt her wrists."
"Dean. That plan is atrocious. Firstly it'll probably not work, and
secondly there is no ointment involved. But it is the only one we've
"Wow. You need to see Cerebrum, you're going to use one of my plans?"
"Unfortunately yes. Well go on! Get him out of here."
"Most certainly." said Dean, leaving the back office and tripped
over the comatose form of Keats. "Very funny. Which one of you moved
him off the bed just so I'd fall over him eh?" Dean asked the room.
No one replied, just sniggered.
Dean fumed silently then saw Phil in one corner, talking with the
girl he'd slid into earlier..Sara was her name if he remembered
"So, what's a man in YOUR condition doing running down a corridor
naked?" Phil looked kind of stunned for a moment, then seemed to
regain himself. He didn't say anything though.
"Well? I want to know... It seems interesting," Sara laughed. It was
a rare occasion on which she laughed, but obviously SOMETHING was
"So do I. But we'll have plenty of time to find out." said Dean,
coming upto them. Sara looked put out at the conversation being
"Sorry, but Amber is in a bad way in the cargo decks. You coming to
help me get her up here?"
"My daughter?"
"That's the one." said Dean. "Unless you count Rufus."
"Can I come?" asked Sara.
"Yeah, certainly." said Phil. "Let's go."
Dean "Goose Chase" Thomas

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