Change of underwear now due

Who : Dean jack and Phil
Where : Cargo Bay, empyting of air
When : 1 min to midnight
"PHIL...DO SOMETHING" wailed Dean like a baby
"Oh shut up...what do you think I'm doing? Baking a cake?"
It was at this point that Phil's didgital watch decided to play "Ride of the valkerys" least thats what it was supossed to do..Since MP got hold of it it now played the theme tune from Benny Hill
"Almost there....GOT IT" said Phil, pulling on the emergcy lever, sealing the bulkhead.
With the sudden sealing of the breach , Phil fell onto the others..
"Well chaps" he said, not realisng he was standing on jacks nadgers, "We're now saved...what was that Jack?"
"^$^$%^%$£^£$" said jack, kissing his chances of fatherhood goodby
"Well Phil...not that I'm one to complain..." said Dean backing off...."But how do we get out of here...the bulkhead has sealed ...oh"
Dean shut up because it being past midnight, he had just punched a hole in the wall..
"After you dean...oh and help up jack will you"
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