Re: Keatsy\'s Reading aid...

ooc: well, first off, i have to say: sorry i didn't tell you guys i
was gonna be away for a few days, and secondly, i'm back!, i hope you
had fun using me like a doormat... (not in that way!!! thats meant in
its literal state) ok... sorry, i'm paranoid that people will think i
mean the perversed version of anything like that i say...
where: uhhh.. i think its by the hangar that used to hold the ship
that jay stole... or the docks as its known..
who: dean, phil, jack, kara, keats(unconscious)
when: 3 minutes after midnight on a thursday morning...
"Why are you guys
lookin' at me like that? He deserved it!" She complained
<end snip>
"yeah, ok, we'll just forget about this shall we?" said jack as he
rose to his feet, thanking god several million times that the wound
healing effect his stealth suit offered extended down to those
he walked over and picked up keats with as little effort as kara
showed when she picked something that weighed over a tonne.
The 3 walked through phils newly made hole, with keats in tow. Phil
leaned back into the hole, and looked at kara, still standing there
"are you going to join us?" he asked, as kara followed and steppeed
through the hole, into the nearby corridor that somehow lead up to
parrotts... (mwahahahaha...) they all bypassed the bar (it was closed
you know...) and ran as fast as they could up to the drive room, all
the time jack was using his nano bots a bit too much, but he was
trying to talk sense into jay...
"jay, can you hear me, fight that bug, kick its arse, don't forget,
thats your mind he's in, use it to your advantage" jack transmitted.
"yeah, too late for that nugget of info, he's out of there... i
didn't hit anyone did i?" replied the now stable voice of Jay the
pilot, he span his ship round to another intact hangar, and parked
the ship, before making his way up to the medi bay, where, across the
hall, he kept the EVE suit, which he was still wearing. He deposited
it and made his way up to the drive room. Little did he know, that
the bug that had taken control of him was slowly recovering from its
near fatal blow in the mens shower room, which had gotten all slimy
and cob-web filled due to its unuse. It sat... and bided its time,
ready to strike again.
Jay arrived at the drive room moments later, issuing random apologies
to Jack for all the pain he dealt, which was met with remarks such as
"yeah, i could have taken you, and sorry for ruining the arm of your
EVE1..." Everyone looked at the scanner screen, no Bug blips
appeared... and there was much rejoicing, Holly even joined in, with
a party hat and bad jokes... Everyone stayed in parrotts for
hours... before alota walked in, and straight up to jay she walked...
"i think you know where you're sleeping for a few MILLENIA!!!
i hope you plan on fixing the damage to the 'dwarf yourself, have you
even seen the hole you made? you are on repair duty until thats
fixed, no flying or anything" she began, jay tried to interrupt, but
was knocked back down to his seat by her continuous stream of shouts.
"and don't even think of blaming it on that bug, it was you that did
she scanned the room, everyone fell silent. She spied jack sitting
in the corner, next to keats, who had regained his... mental
stability? and the big pink tree, doing an encore of its earlier
performance on a makeshift stage at the opposite side to the bar.
<tag, well, thats over... for now... alota, i hope you don't mind me
taking over your roll of shouting at jay... lol... and now...
ONTO THE NEXT STORYLINE!!! (tally ho and all that...) (i hope no one
minded me ending the plotline... even though i've left it open for a
reappearance of the bordinate bug)>

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