OOC- New Rule

Hello everyone, after the recent incident I have realised it best to
make a new Blue Dwarf rule. We do not have many, and to be honest I
prefer to have as few as possible. But this is about posting peoples
email addresses in the group, I didnt know it was such a serious
thing until WW did point out that it's against Yahoo Groups policy
and apparently harassment laws too, which we must adhere to- because
if Yahoo reads that kind of thing in our group, then we could be
shut down due to breech of regulations. Pretty petty, I know- but I
just want to make sure we cant be blamed for anything!
I've written this in the rules section (that dusty part of the site
where people rarely go!):
11). Respect Peoples privacy- Do not post e-mail addresses in the
The Blue Dwarf game posts and archive are open for anyone to view,
so do not post any e-mail addresses that you wish to remain private.
It is against Yahoo Policy to post an e-mail address in malice or to
invite spam or harassment. As the Blue Dwarf Group uses Yahoo
Groups. we must obide by these rules.

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