...the Return...

Where: Medibay, Keto's Office.
When: Some randomly discernible time.
Who: Amber, Rufus, Cerebrum.
Keto's office. Empty, desolate, tidy.
Not for long.
There was a flash, and then a tiny puff of smoke, giving off a smell
better suited to a garbage dump. Three figures appeared about the
room. One female, two male, all in different positions and places
about the office. One man, looking extremely grumpy, minus an arm and
both ears, had appeared behind the desk, squashed onto the leather
chair. He had short dyed blonde hair and an extremely scruffy looking
medival goatee. His brow was furrowed, and he dusted his white
labcoat off.
The other man appeared upside by one of the cabinets, shaking it
with his appearance and causing several rattling noises to sound from
within. He too had the same kind of medival goatee, but also had been
blessed with longer borwn hair in a haphazard black mop. He had his
ears and all of his limbs, but rather shockingly his face was devoid
of any eye sockets. Flat skin appearng where his eyes should have
been. He looked more confused than angry.
The female appeared on top of Keto's cabinets in a lying position.
She had cropped purple hair and a dazed expression, reaching up to rub
her head. She turned to look down at the floor and the other two
occupants of the room. She had her ears, limbs, and eyes, but where
her mouth should have been was just flat, expressionless skin.
"And once more, back in the hell hole. I should have stayed dead,"
muttered the man sitting in the chair. He rose to his feet and looked
down at the stump of his right arm sadly.
"Goddamn smegging dimensions. Why can't there be just the one.
Where I rule over everyone?!"
"Alas, myne friendeth!" replied the upside down man, straightnening
himself out. "That would'st be dimension of fear."
The girl hopped down from the cabinet and steadied herself on uneas
legs, before walking over, shakily, to the man who spoke warped
English. She grabbed hold of his arms and helped him to his feet.
"Ah, my dear Hazel, thank thee for thy'st assitan'ce."
Hazel nodded.
"So what the hell do we tell the crew, Shakespeare?" asked the
grumpy man, staring at the pair. "What's it going to look like when
we stroll into the drive room. Coffey over there minus her mouth, and
me minus my ears?"
"And thy'st arm, Trisees," pointed out Shakespeare.
"Don't remind me," seethed Trisees, glaring at his stump once more.
He turned back t look at Shakespeare's mouth, in case the Surgeon had
been saying something.
"I'm at thy loss," replied Shakespeare.
"There's a big surprise," said Trisees moodily.
Coffey frowned and batted Trisees on the arm, waving a scolding
finger at the scientist.
"Don't you start," muttered Trisees. "Thats it," he exclaimed.
"I'm getting out of this room and I'm going to find Keto. He'll sort
this rubbish out."
Trisees pushed past Coffey and Shakespeare and stormed out of the
Coffey made a noise that sounded an awful lot like a sigh, before
walking into the main part of the medibay with Shakespeare.
They were greeted with the surprised faces of Amber, Rufus and Cerebrum.
"What...what?" began Cerebrum.
"Patrick!" exclaimed Shakespeare, his ears picking up the direction
of Cerebrum. "I thought I heard'st thou voiceth!"
"What happened to Trisees? And what happened to Hazel?" asked
Amber, startled.
"It's a longs't story, Amber," replied Shakespeare. "Too
pressingest for thyne ears upon now. At later'st date thy shall be
told. Pray, where is Niples?"
"You've got a lot of catching up to do," said Rufus.
<ooc> Well, I thought I'd return those wacky doctors back to their
habitat. I'm back and ready to boogie for good. All things are
sorted out and I'm regular again.

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