Time to get to the quest.

Where: Science Dept
Who: Dante, Charlie, N.S.D.
When: About an hr after Dante left Phil.
Dante's big hand slapped Seymour on the shoulder. "Buck up little
man, I thought it was your idea to come here!" Seymour winced. "Yes but the
Aerons haven't been always entirely too trustworthy even though we have
helped each other before." Seymour turned fully to Dante. "Okay I'm going to
let you use your weapons whatever they are, we might need them, especially
if things get ugly - these Aerons seem to have a lot more technology than
the last ones we met, and if we have to fight- I'd rather have so e advanced
weapons of our own to fight back with." Dante skipped with joy out of the
Drive Room making the floor shake. All the access hatches and flight bay
doors were opened and Blue Dwarf crew started descending into the city to
<End clip>
Dante slumped happily into a chair in science looking a little more cheerful
now. “Charlie, Charlie mate I need some surveillance equipment.” “Sure thing
mate. What’s it for if I may ask?” “Yes Charlie, You may ask but first I
need my weaponry and armour.” “Oh okay.” And with that Charlie turned round
and whizzed of into the lab part of the dept. Dante stood up and walked over
to the Brain help machine and looked at it hard. “Hi DUDE.” N.S.D made a
point of expressing the word DUDE a little too much; maybe he was trying to
be cool.
“ Hi, N.S.D what does this actually do? Explain in a language I can
“Well it gives your brain, a boost of intelligence for around about a
minute. Its not quiet perfected yet.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Well it has been known to cause side effects.”
“What sort of side effects?” Dante replied calmly.
“Well the subject could be found to experience flash backs, at first they
would be of things that had only happened recently. Like greeting some one
in the corridor. Then the subject would see them again about a minute
later.” Dante’s went gradually paler. “These would suddenly stop. Then the
subject would begin to hear voices from a very distance maybe traumatic part
of his or her live. This would continue until the subject could revisit
either where this incident occurred or the Brain Help machine.” Dante was
now rather pale. “You alright mate.” N.S.D looked at Dante and watched as
Dante lifted the helmet part of the machine and placed it on his head. “No
what are you doing?” Snapped N.S.D and grabbed the helmet out of Dante’s
huge hand. Dante snatched back the helmet almost dragging N.S.D along with
it. “I need to be rid of these thoughts they keep distracting me.” Dante
said coolly as he placed the helmet back on his head. “Hey!!”
“Remember when I got the weaponry and armour to work. That was my one-minute
of enhanced brain movement or whatever you called it. Now I want rip of the
flashbacks. Turn it on!” With a reluctant sigh N.S.D switched on the Brain
Help machine. There was a wiz and a crackle. Dante smiled and took of the
helmet and stepped away from the machine. “Dante mate the equipment is ready
for you.” Charlie had poked his little metal head around the door and
----10 minutes later----
Dante emerged from the lab with a shiny black and red full body armoured
suit on. And a set of pistols strapped to his thighs. And a very alien
looking black rifle with red furnishings in his arms. Dante’s usual grin and
masses of hair could not been seen due to his hair being trimmed back and a
full face storm trooper type helmet was now covering his head. Dante also
had a utilities belt on which seemed to have binoculars and other
surveillance equipment on it. Charlie appeared next to Dante with a new
matching black and red paint job. “Okay Charlie, you know the drill.” With
that Charlie folded up his arms and legs into his body and placed himself
into a perfect Charlie shape crater in Dante’s armour. “Charlie, run a full
system check. That brings back memories.” “All systems functioning at 100%.”
Came the reply from Charlie. “Charlie locate Phil’s daughter Amber.” Ordered
“Amber is not in the local area last known location was… The Medibay.” Said
Charlie riumphantly. “Dante may I now ask why we need all this stuff.”
“Well I said I would tell you as we make our way to the Medibay.”
And with that Dante began a fast run to the nearest elevator.
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