Reporting For Duty

Who: Amber   
Where: Flight Decks
When: Just after Zac's post.
Amber has spoken to Cerebrum, for all the mad nutter he was, talking to him had helped. It was about a month ago now she had spoken to him and slowly she was healing, both mental wounds and physical ones. Wildflower had told her the cuts would scar, and Cerebrum had told her not to be ashamed of them, it's never a good thing to hide or bottle things up, combined with the pills he had given her she had coped. Another thing Cerebrum had told her was to get a hobby, so she had taken up martial arts. Her instructor was amazed at her agility, reflexes and inteligance, being half GELF had it's uses. She had already mastered the basics and the basic weapons disciplines, Tanto and Bo staff as well. She found it easy. Zac's message had hit her hard, she'd liked him but thought he wasn't interested in her. The $£200 had bought her some equiptment and spare parts. A project Amber had taken upon herself was re-doing Zac's pod, it was a big job, Zac had bashed it up rather a lot and a lot of the old body work had been damaged in the explosion. So far Amber had only been able to do the body work, the engine would have to wait.
  "Gods Damnit!" She yelled, throwing another piece of broken metal from the wreckage of the pod's engine. All the parts were here, it was just finding them that was tricky. "Fine, i'll come back later, you'll fly again, and you'll be better than before." She stood up and wiped her hands on her flightsuit. She'd been dileberatly avoiding the crew today, Cerebrum had told her she  needed to speak to someone about getting her old job back, last night she had decided she would go today. Working on the pod calmed her down, however, it did mean she had ruined her best uniform. Amber sighed and set off towards the drive room.
She paused for a few moments outside the door to the drive room before she swallowd her nerves and walked in. Alotta and Seymour were both stood near the comand chair. Everybody in the room turned to look at her.
"I don't need this" She mumbled to herself. Finding her voice she said "Sir, Ma'am." As they turned she pulled off a salute, briefly showing the pink scar on her wrist. "Ensign Amber FeBuggure reporting for duty... If you'll let me back on the crew of course." She dropped her hand and stood at attention waiting for her answer.<Tag>
OOC - sorry if it's a bit of a week ending to the plot, but I want to get back in on the action, and I have some other plans that need putting into motion.... Mwa....

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