Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Reporting For Duty

"I don't need this" She mumbled to herself. Finding her voice she said "Sir, Ma'am." As they turned she pulled off a salute, briefly showing the pink scar on her wrist. "Ensign Amber FeBuggure reporting for duty... If you'll let me back on the crew of course." She dropped her hand and stood at attention waiting for her answer.<End Snipo>
"Welcome back Amber I hope..." Alota began then seymour, as he was constantly doing, interupted taking on a more serious tone
"Your sorry for going completely mental back then..."he was stopped from going on futher by a hand over his mouth,
"Make sure no communication is on at the moment, i'd hate to see the Aeron see this" she muttered, the communication screen went blank and after final confermation Alota continued,
"Please excuse us" she said before dragging Seymour into the Captains room.
-- The captains room --
"Ok let me make a point, you could be the queen of sodding England, and believe me it wouldn't supprise be sometimes the way you act, I am captain and you are a guest on this ship, I could kick you off into a space pod and pick you up on the way back,  I could send you to Keto for medical purposes, i could send you to Cerebrum for sodding Pshyco Analysis, that is if you don't shut up and stop  interupting me!" Alota yelled pausing to gather breath
"Do i make myself clear?!" she said angrily
"I will personally have your cleaning implaments taken away and you banned from ever using them if you say but again!" ALota commanded going into full bitch mode Seymour just nodded mutely,
"Ok, now, we shall go back out there and get this sorted out in the politest way possible" she said her voice turning from full bitch mode to pleasent calm nice mode.
--Outside the office--
Of course people will listen in, it's in their nature, and this place isn't exactly sound proof, or should that be Alota screaming proof, various sounds of cringing were let out at the various mentions of Keto and Cerebrum, however they were still trying to get on with their work, when the door opened to the Captains room Alota stepped out Seymour mutely following, everyone snapped back to their job
"Ok Amber you are welcome back, but you are on trial, your not allowed to pilot anything until Jay has confirmed it, so you shall find that an appropriate job needs to be found, what skills do you have, and what do you feel you would be good at other then piloting".
<<OOC sorry it's pants i haven't posted for a while, if it interfers with anything, so sue me! :)>>

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