The Elucidated Brethren of Aero

Who: Keats, Phil and the Ellucidated Brethen
Where: Hanger
When: after race
Phil was standing on the roof, thumbing through the prophecies,
unbeknownst to him, a shifty looking aeron was watching thebook with
'You know what sucks about this book, you only undersatand whats
going to happen after the event...
The Aeron made its move.....
It dived from behind its cover, grabbed the book from Phils loose
grip, a ran like buggery.
'What the... bugger that!' Phil broke into a sprint from standstill
almost immediatly, chasing up the Aeron thief.
The thief looked abck, to see Phils impressive figure bounding up
behind him, cathcing up with ease. As he was only recently a thief,
he lost his nerve, stumbled, and fumbled the book from his grip.
The book sailed down the side of the building, as did the aeron,
however, he was aiming towards the nearest lare place to hide... The
BD hanger...
Phil heroically dived off the roof after it, grabbed the book, and
tried to steer himself in the low gav towards the thief...
Keats landed The Endymion, removed his helmet and wiped his forehead.
He jumped out of the cockpit and onto the Hanger bay floor. His boy
was numb from the sher vibrations caused by speed.
'Well.. i won.. so it looks like your still mine ship'
'I think you may be wrong on both points...' It was a hollow, Cold
voice that seemed to chill Keats to the bone.
'What... who said that?!'
A tall, thin figure stepped casually out of the shadows beneath a Bug.
'We did... We ae the Ellucidated Brethren of Aero and Unfortuantly,
we cannot allow you to keep the ship... or yor freedom...'
'What you sa..'
Keats fell to the ground... his head hurting quite alot.
A burly Aeron cracked his knuckles and put the Sash back on his belt.
'Take him to the shop...'
'Your gonna be in a world of pain you winged freak!'
Phil was gaining on the scrawny Aeron, they wer about 10 meters from
the ground, and only 2 seperated them.
The Aeron reached the ground first, and made of with suprising speed
towards the Blue Dwarf Hanger. Phil sprinted after him.
Phil grabbed the Aeron just inside the Hanger, just after KEats fellt
ot he floor.
'Ahhhh, SMEG, you bastard!'
Phil turned about and punched a burly Aeron who could of came out of
the same mold as the one that hit Keats, lifting him clear off tghe
floor (Phil was a lile more resistant to blows than Keats, and merely
had a headache for a bit).
As he turned abck tho, a small spray of gas flew into his face.
'ahhh Hot dang....'
and collapsed.
'Take them BOTH to the shop... lets see how there race likes the
'uhhhh, whats der Poison boss?' said burly Aeron #1
The boss coldly looked at him...
'You know, that illegal liquid stuff... has the OH groups in..
distilled, fermented.. !' he struggled for words, the Aeron race had
abnned the word millena ago, and they had no word for alcohol now....
<tag phil>
OOC- mmmm, as Phil said last night.. could be like Deer Hunter....

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