Test drive

A wide smirk worked
it’s way across Chrysler’s face, as the retro’s of the Aeron fighter fired and
it lifted slowly off the landing pad. This was another department of the
weapons testing area, a testing area for ship mounted weapons. He could have
sent Dean to do this, maybe Keat’s or Kara, it was after all a business trip,
fact of the matter was though, Jay just wanted to get his hands on one of their
‘Scorpion’ class ships.
The ship itself
wasn’t for sale, just there to demonstrate the vast array of weaponry the Aeron’s
had to offer for spacecraft, and was this thing kitted out, it had no less than
40 missile banks, all fitted with a different kind of missile. Jay pulled off a
quick barrel roll and pulled up as hard as he could, sending the nimble craft
rocketing skyward, the atmosphere faded away and Jay brought the ship to a halt
in orbit of the planet. He glanced down at the small planet, the Blue Dwarf
took up most of the skyline, he could see it clearly from here, its cumbersome
form glistening in the late afternoon sunlight.
This was it, time
to test drive this puppy. He sent the small fighter into a dive and thundered
toward’s the ground, targets appearing randomly along the test course. The fighter
looped, rolled, and blasted its way around the complex route, while inside Jay
gibbered with glee, missiles fired from every bank, laser cannons fired, targets
splintered, exploded and disintegrated as Jay took the craft through its paces.

He whined as he
reached the end of the course, trouble with ships this fast, was that the
journey was always over too quickly. “Hey…” he said as he brought the craft to
a standstill and started landing procedures “Whats this?, I didn’t notice it
before” he gestured to a button on the dashboard of the ship.
activation controls” the computer voice replied. “Reaaaalllly…” he pushed the
“You missed the
target” the computer informed him.
“No I didn’t…” Jay
corrected .
Hundreds of feet
below, Seymour Niples body had again gone as limp as a wet piece of tissue.
“I’ll take
everything you got!” Jay told the salesman as he leapt from the cockpit “Oh..and
charge it to the medi-bay’s budget”
<sorry its awful
guys, but I wasn’t sure where to jump in!>

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