*ACTION* Meeting the neighbours

Jay signed the
Aeron weapons dealers’s clipboard, completing the purchase of the weaponry to
fit later to the Blue Dwarf’s shuttle fleet. “Take it away Rio!” Jay shouted
across the platform to Lomaz, who clambered into the cab of the arm’s suppliers
hover-trolley stocked up with the weapons alongside its driver, to lead the way
back to the ‘Dwarf’s cargo bay.
“Whats that over
there?” Jay asked the dealer, noticing a large crowd gathering around an area
about 100 yards along the gangway.
“That?” said the
dealer turning to see what Jay was pointing at “Oh, serious crimes in our
society are punishable by death, that’s a public execution”
“Who would wanna
watch that?”
“In our culture it’s
a great sport Mr Chrysler! Bets are placed to see how long the convict can hold
out before they die”
“That’s just sick,
not that I’m arguing with how you guys run things, not my place to question but
I couldn’t find it entertaining”
“Each to their own,
this one however isn’t my favourite method of death, poisoning, it lacks….” The
Salesman twiddled his fingers, searching for the right words “..Flair..” he
said eventually.
“How can you tell
from here?”
“They show it on
that big screen over there”
Jay followed the
Aeron’s gaze and looked at the screen,
“You know, that
looks a lot like John Keats…and Phil…SMEG IT IS THEM!”
“Friends of yours?”
“YES! I’ve gotta
stop this! They’re inno….well….they probably ARENT innocent but whatever they
did they probably didn’t know any different!”
“You can’t….”
It was too late Jay
was already sprinting across the platform, had he been aware at this point that
the ‘poison’ was actually a fine selection of the best curries and kebabs his
friends had ever tasted he would probably have gone held up a bank somewhere just
to get a free vindaloo, but as it was he thought they were gonna die.
He ran into the
crowd, all of whom were pushing and shoving to get the best view they could of
the ‘execution’. “Let me through!” he shouted barging his way through “Outta my
way, Scram ya big loser!”
“There a problem
here?” one of the guards asked, appearing out of nowhere.
“Yeah, you see, I
think theres been a misunderstanding, these guys well..shouldn’t be here…”
“Sorry, sentence has
been passed, besides, they’re a hit! Look at the money we got coming in from
the people who come to watch, can I interest you in a “Steel gut’s Keatsy”
“You’re not gonna
budge on this are you?”
“Ok…I’ll just have
to free them myself!” then with a “YARGGGGH!” he leapt toward the execution
chamber door, and was surprised to find himself stop dead in mid-air.
“Hey…that’s new…”
he mumbled, he then realised he was being carried away from the area by the
guard, who was holding him in the air by the back of his shirt.
 “Hey that’s a kebab!” he said as he
caught sight of the screen above his head
 “Don’t bother coming back” the guard
helpfully advised Jay, before proceeding to hurl him out into the street. The
guard was a big guy, and was easily capable of throwing and average human a
good distance under normal gravity, but here under the low gravity environment
Jay flew a very very long way.
He was hurled right
over the barrier on the edge of the cities platform, where he began to descend,
slowly, but gaining speed as he dropped.
“This…..” Jay told
himself “Is not good”
He hurtled toward
the ground, skyscrapers whizzed past him, road networks fluttered past him, he
was moving slower than he would under normal gravity, which gave many passers
by a chance to take photographs, for which Jay posed.
He zipped downward
through the city slums, He suddenly realised he had left the city completely,
all that surrounded him were thousands upon thousands of giant support columns,
holding the megalithic settlement high in the sky, were it stretched above the
clouds. It took him even more by surprise to see that all these columns stemmed
from a single island sticking out of the ocean. One lone island, the only one
he could see in a  vast ocean, the
land mass itself no bigger than a football pitch, was all that held the immense
metropolis miles above him.
He was interrupted from
his train of thought by a splash, and he found himself very wet, and sinking
fast into the water. The lack of any real gravity here meant he hit the water
considerably softly, but still…it was going to leave a bruise.  
He sank about
twenty metres beneath the surface before he stopped falling, and began to swim
upwards the low gravity making it easy for him to swim quickly. As he did so,
he spotted a silhouette moving through the water. He didn’t know what it was,
but before he knew it a harpoon was speeding towards him. He moved aside, the spear-like
weapon just grazing his side, tearing a clean rip in his uniform. A small
amount of blood seeped upwards towards the surface.
From behind another
figure approached, another from each side and joined the one in front, this one
came up close to him and stared him straight in the eye, giving Jay a clear
view of his attacker. He could feel himself begin to black out, little hard to
stay conscious when you’ve been underwater almost long enough to drown, he
barely registered the figures weapons being shot out of their hands. They
glanced upwards, through the surface and quickly scattered, moving through the
water with incredible grace.
Jay was pulled out
of the water by an arm, and then found himself coughing up water on the wing of
an aircraft.
“Couldn’t let my
highest paying customer die before he’s bought additional ammunition for the
guns he bought now can I?”
Jay looked up. It
was the Aeron he’d bought the weapons from. “I..need..to..get..to..my wife” he
stammered, trying to catch his breath  “shes my captain, seeing as how noone else bothered to tell
us there were ENIRAM here!”
<tag onion,
alota or anyone else who remembers our marine friends from last time>  

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