(no subject)

“Alota!..smeg…” Jay
shouted/ mumbled as he ran along one of the Aeron cities many streets, and
slipped on a manhole as his soaking trainer soles made near friction-less
contact with its shiny surface.
“What the hell
happened to you?” Alota asked, looking at Jay in a way that was both genuinely concerned
about the dripping wet man with a bleeding harpoon wound in his side that she
called her husband, and at the same time pretending she didn’t know him as he
clambered to his feet.
Alota had been sat
quietly having a coffee with Tara, Jay true to form managed to successfully disrupt
any chance his wife and her best friend found to catch up.
“We got problems
here Alota”  Jay said, removing a bundle
of ruined paper money from his wallet.
“What do you mean?”
Alota asked, slamming her fist into the back of Jay’s hand as he tried to
stealthily exchange his useless wet cash for some crisp dry notes from Alota’s
“Well..” Jay began,
swiping a handful of fries from Tara’s plate “I took a trip
downtown..literally..got any mustard Tar?”
“Jay…oh beloved
jewel of my eye,..” Alota said
“Wot?” Chrysler
replied with a mouthful of fries
“Drastic!” Tara
pointed out
“He’s a special
case” Alota said
“Hey I’m sitting
“Mores the pity…”
“Anyway…like I said
I took a ‘trip’ ran into our old friends the Eniram..”
“HERE?!” Alota
said, nearly choking on her coffee “What the hell are they doing here?!”
“Who knows..” Tara
said  “
You can bet it’s
not good” Alota said  “Those guys
are pure scum…”
“Hey they ain’t all
bad!” Jay said “After all if it wasn’t for them we probably wouldn’t be
together, remember is cos they wounded me I ended up in the medibay where we
hooked up the first time!”
“Why do ya think I
hate em so, hubby o’mine?..never did get my revenge for that!”
“We better get to
the ‘Dwarf” Tara said “Prep the medi-bay, ready the security for…”
“That’s another
problem” Jay interrupted “I went there first, its locked down no way in…”
“Well we’ll have to
force our way in then, we’ll need Phil where is he?”
“Oh..did I not
mention?” Jay said “He’s being executed, musta slipped my mind…”
“YOU F@#KIN WHAT?!” Tara shrieked.

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