Re: Inside the sub

<OOC- I heard some great news today. We got a new University
Chancellor at my uni, and…… well…… you'll never guess who it is…… I
think I get to shake his hand when I graduate too, and I'm going to
Its none other than……PATRICK STEWART, of Star Trek and Xmen fame!!!
How ace is that?>
However one of them was slightly saddened by the news.
Seymour couldn't figure it out, Someone of a lower class had died and
he was actually upset or maybe it was the champagne that kara had
She put the watch on her wrist and pressedthe buttons and turned
herself into.....a squirrel. It wasn't exactly fancy but at least
she could now escape and find the others. Suddenly something shook
the entire sub and it threw her in to a crate.
Someone was attacking.
<end snip>
Who: Seymour, Dean + Kara
Where: An Eniram submarine
When: While Johnny and Amber attack it!
Seymour took off his soaking jacket. "Ruined, bloody ruined!" he
whinged. Then remembered Emma.
"The world is so harsh and unfair, I knew I should never have called
her a commoner." He said to Dean. "I'll never speak down to lower
social classes ever again, I'll treat everyone as equals."
"Wow," said Dean. "Even the lower technicians?"
"Oh no of course not THEM!"
The sub shook and the fishy Eniram guard fell over, smashing his
head on the floor. Green liquid seemed to leak out of his fish-fin
like ears.
"I say my good fellow, are you alright?" Seymour said.
"You don't have to talk equally to HIM! He's the enemy!" Said
Dean. "Besides I think he's dead."
"Oh dear lord!" Seymour said dramatically.
"But it gives us a chance to escape at least." Said Kara, her light
bee flickering from water logging.
"Oh dear, I almost forgot you were back there" Said Seymour, putting
as much space between himself and Kara again. He reached the edge of
the little cell they were in and realised it wasn't enough, he
pulled Dean in front of him.
"Hey what are you doing?"
"She's crazy! She tried to commandeer the drive room if you
remember, and she crashed us into buildings!"
"Hey, I never meant to do that, you shot me!" Kara protested.
Just as a full scale row was about to break out, a squirrel bounded
into the room.
"Aww look, a little cute squirrel!" Seymour said, letting go of his
human shield. "Hang on… how did a squirrel get onto an alien planet
through a previously undiscovered gate in space, that could be
thousands if not millions of light-years away…?"
The squirrel pressed something on the watch it was wearing and
turned back into Emma.
"Its me you fools! I think we should get out of here as soon as
possible, that guard doesn't look too good. He's starting to smell
fishy too."
"Oh that's how Enirams smell normally" said Seymour.
"Pwor, then we really don't ant to be around when he DOES start to
smell!" Said Dean. "Can you get us out of here Emma?"
<OOC- sorry about this being very short and quite direct, I've got
to go to work in a few mins!>
--- In, "mad_emma_bonney"
<emiepops@h...> wrote:
> Who:Emma, Niples, Kara, Dean
> Where: In the sub
> Emma woke up, dazed and confused.''On no, What happened?'' At
> she thought she was having yet another of her hangovers, but then

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