
Who: Canazza
Where: The stasis corridor
When: now... ?
Two men were standing either side of the stasis corridor door. They
were tall, muscular, and wearing security outfits. in between them
was a red rope barrier hung between two gold bollards. Above them was
a neon sign with the blazing legend "Stasis Room"
There were few people queueing tonight, only the desperate, the
losers and the nasties who had little or no hope of getting into the
newest, most exclusive nightclub on deck 12. So exclusive not even
command staff could get in. mainly because they'd probably shut it
down if they found out.
one of the lingerers approached the door and attempted to pass the
bouncers. They casually shoved him out the way, looked down at him
and smiled. The man chuckled nervously and skuttled away.
Inside the club there were only about 6 or 7 people milling around
with cocktails. Mainly looking bored. usually the club is jumping
but it was rather quiet tonight.
The corridor was lined with non-functioning stasis booths, a bar at
one end and behind the bar a door leading to the back.
From the back room a stout man entered, he wore a suit and was
counting a wad of cash.
"thirty, fourty, fifty" he put the money on the counter and turned to
the barmaid, "only fifty this week, the boss won't be happy"
"it's a slow week, not many people are able to get here"
"If I can make it, they can make it"
"But you're a bleedin technician, you have no responsibility" she
"shut up or you're fired" He walked out infront of the bar and over
to the line of stasis booths.
He walked up to the only one that was working and peered in. "not
even our star attraction is dragging the buisness in"
There was a man in there, a rather shocked expression on his face,
lunging at the door, frozen in time.
Behind him was a strange cloud that, even in the stasis field, seemed
to be fluctuating.
He pounded the booth with his fist, "Damn it!"
the few people who were in the bar turned to look at him for a
second, he gave them a glare and they all went back to what they were
All of a sudden an alarm went off from behind him. He turned sharply,
the booth was deactivating.
"Shit! Quickly, get the boss!" the barmaid turned to the com behind
her and sent a message.
the stasis field deactivated and slowly the man reanimated and landed
face first on the stasis booth door. The cloud behind him
disapeared into nothing.
the man inside groaned and stood up, his nose was bent slightly out
of shape. "let me out of here"
the front door opened, the rope needn't be lowered, as in stepped a
three foot tall figure dressed in a purple velvet suit and matching
hat. The boss was back.
"EVERYONE OUT!" he shouted, the seven people, the barmaid and the man
ran for the door, the figure halted the man, "not you..."
"Uh... sir?"
"what the smegging hell have you done Rogers?" He bounded over to the
stasis booth and jumped up to the window, "He's awake,"
"I know sir," Rodgers replied, "you do know if we let him out of
there he'll ruin the buisness"
"we have to. If we leave him in there he'll die. It was okay when he
was in stasis, but i can't let him die"
"Why the heck not? If it keeps buisness going"
"Let me out of here" the man inside screamed, "Timmy, you asshole,
let me out!"
"Well, he kinda created me, Although I enjoy seeing him suffer, I
can't let him die"
"Unlock this door now!"
"Can't we reactivate the field?"
"No, the booth never had power to begin with, we think it was the
wormhole that supplied the booth,"
"We?" Rodgers enquired. "we? Who else is in on this?"
"I kinda bribed half of engineering in exchange for access to the
club" Rodgers looked at him, "I had to know if he was safe"
"shall I open the door"
"Now that there is no wormhole to power it, I suppose so, but first,
bring over the heavies outside"
Rodgers walked to the door and waved the bouncers inside
"open it"
Rodgers opened the booth door and Canazza lunged at Timmy, but was
caught in mid air by the bouncers.
"I have a proposal for you Dave" Timmy said, "a rather good one"
"Spin on it"
"now now now, you've been in the deep sleep for quite a while, things
have changed"
"What things?"
"I'm a rich, influential nightclub owner for one" Timmy pulled a wad
of cash from his pocket
"Oh no, you can't bribe me, when I get out of here this place is
going down"
"now that's what i'm hoping to avoid that" Timmy walked up to him, "I
don't need you any more, i'm totally independant"
"And, that gives me a little leway when it comes to dealing with
you." Timmy looked at Canazza's hand, "I'll put my offer to you, you
can either accept or decline. If you accept, you'll go free... if - "
"If I decline?"
"You loose you're fingers"
Canazza felt a chill over his body, Timmy hadn't exactly been his
friend, he knew he enjoyed torturing him, but this was a little over
the top.
"here is my offer: $£100 in food rations, and you don't speak of this
to ANYONE, and I mean anyone, and I let you live your life on
your own" He offered the money forwards, "Drop him"
The bouncers dropped Canazza to the floor.
"what will it be," Timmy snapped his left claw shut.

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