RE: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Marl arrives at the Science lab

Marl blinked as Efof rushed off the lift and the doors soon closed.
“This is some ship I’ve woken up on. I wonder what Science is like. Well
here goes.” The doors opened again and she stepped out. Looking around she
grabbed the closest person she could find.
“Hi, I need to speak with whoever’s in charge here. Can you tell me who that
is and where I can finds this person?”
<End Clip>
“Well my dear here in science, no ones in charge except me, but that’s not
official yet but I soon hope to have that sorted, hehehe. I’m sorry I didn’t
catch your name.” Marl was escorted through the science lab and into the
main experimental room.
“Yes sorry. My name’s Marl, Marlene. I’m an Archaeologist. And you are?”
“Ahh yes. The names… I don’t have a name just the Nameless Science Dude, I
make gadgets and weapons and stuff. This is Lawrence, he plays with your
mind, and this is Tim our Swedish chef,” Said N.S.D pointing to a picture of
a grinning Tim on the wall. “Haven’t seen him much recently but don’t eat
anything he gives you. He once gave a jelly and ice cream; I was on the
toilet for a week. Ahh, good day Charlie. That was Charlie our Artificial
Intelligence Computer System, he helps with the making of gadgets.” There
was a loud explosion from the next room, N.S.D and Marl walked through the
“The gentleman in the cloud of smoke, the burnt face and no eyebrows is John
our demolitions expert. And then there’s Emma she’s good with computers and
stuff but again I haven’t seen her in a couple of days. I’m sorry what was
it you do again?”
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