Possible Polymorph

Keats strolled into the middle of a discussion group containing
Seymour, Dante, Jay and several bits of Dean.
'Now look, I haven’t slept for god knows how long, I have a splitting
headache, bruises all around me, a hangover that wont disappear and I
don’t need some fat buffoon, whose standing not to far away from me at the
moment laughing at some good forsaken god dam smeggy joke!
THANKYOU!' Dante looked at Seymour, who nodded.
'Well done Keats, you just volunteered!'
<End Clip>
Who: Dante, Mini-Phil, Dean, Keats, and anyone else still at the landing
Where: Landing Area.
When: Lunch Time
The Demon landed beside the slowly gathering crowd of ships and Tara
and Amber got out. They approached the away team and grumbled as she
saw Keto.
'Smeg, now I won't be able to talk to Jay' She thought. Tara already
felt the powers that Plebe gave to humans taking effect exactly the
same as before, only it was only animals she could morph into this
time. Amber also felt the grip of the strange plebeian effect. She
developed extra sensory perception, heightened senses and was able to
read peoples auras. Also she was able to blend with the shadows,
effectively becoming invisible.
<End Clip>
“Yes more volunteer’s.” said Dante to himself. The large bulk of a man
strolled up the path towards the demon and Tara and Amber.
“Good day ladies and welcome to the Canaries.”
“The Canaries, we aren’t going down any mines are we.” Asked Amber with a
rather concerned glance on her face.
“Oh no not today,” Replied Dante. “No all we have to do is patrol round the
Ships, secure the area and place out sentries. Can any one round here fly,
ships or with their moon given powers.” Dante aimed this question at Amber.
The question that Dante might know that she stole back her wings suddenly
crossed her mind, and Amber went quite for a second.
“I can.” Announced Dean’s head mid bounce.
“You are not flying anywhere in that condition. Mini Phil please put Mr.
Thomas back together.”
“Come again.” Dante still hadn’t managed to learn clone.
“What did he say?”
“I don’t know put it sounded offensive.” Dean’s head was now resting under
Mini Phil’s foot.
“Well then, if you don’t comply with my orders I will remove your eyes and
replace them with your testicles, so that you will never be able to stare at
another goat again. Oh and your tears will turn white.” Mini Phil stamped
his foot down while coming to attention, treading on a now crawling Hand Of
Dean. Mini Phil wiped of a sarcastic “Rimmer” style salute and began to find
the missing bits of Dean.
“Right so we will have Dean as look out in one of the crafts of his choice.
Right Mini Phil can join up with Amber and Tara, grab a couple of weapons
girls you will be covering the south side of this opening. Keats your with
me. We’ll take the north. Right everyone got radios of some sort, good.
Report back to the Eagle when the area is secure.”
Keats and Dante patrolled off to the north. After about 20 minutes of
patrolling, “Dante, come in Dante this is Tara, Mini Phil as gone, he went
running of after a goat. Over”
“SMEG, Okay Tara, we have almost finished our patrol here Keats and I will
head over to you position ASAP. Out.”
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