(no subject)

sorry for requesting a summary dude, but i have a good excuse.
1) i had no interent connection for 2 and a half weeks, do you KNOW
how many posts pile up, ive been attempting to read through them all,
but the reason why is explained next
2) I am 18. I attend Downfield SixthForm In Stroud. I live about a 45
minutebus Journey from Stroud as it has the best school i could get
into within bus distance. Im currently stdying Physics, Chemistry and
Maths, Im applying to Cardiff, Keele and Sheffield Universities to Do
Physics or Physics and Astrophysics. I have exams for the next 3
weeks, do you know how hard it is to wake up at half past 6 every
morning, go to school, attend lessons for 4-5 hours, get on a bus
home, arrive home at half 5, revise for over 4 hours AT home and
still make time to even KEEP UP TO DATE with whats going on, much
less read through 100 or so past posts.
Sorry, under stress, Exams over on the 26th, il be able to read them
all then.
John 'Nerve Veins exploding' Keats

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