Lending a 'helping' hand

OOC- Just a qucky, aint got much time til me next exam, so thought id
just pop one in to say im still alive!
The magazine began to glow. Suddenly a long
straw shaped tongue thing popped out, and stuck itself to Dante's
Dante moaned and fell to the floor.
A minute later after much struggling.
"What is it? Holy Mollie." Dean had turned round and due to surprise
head had fallen off. Dante was curled up on the floor in a ball.
"What's up mate?"
"Its, Its, Its, Its taken my bravery and courage. Nooooooo."
<end clip>
Keats flinched at Dantes long drawn out 'nooooo'. Dante unravelled
one hand and pointed a wavering finger at the Magazine.
'You gotta respect a man like that, gets attacked by summin and STILL
wants his porno..' Jack mused.
Keats crept out from behind the safety of Jack, and made a gab for
the mag.
It started to wriggle off.
Keats made a random leap for it, only to be gabbed non-shalantly by
'Keats, lets NOT jump off the cliff, its only a shred of old porno,
you an have some of mine when we get back...not that i have any, or
anything... aha....'
Jack smiled at Tara and Amber, his brow coverd in sweat.
Jay picked up Deans head, he mused over allowing it to follow where
the mag went, but decided against it, it was due to Dean that the
Navigation and piloting crew got such a large pecentage of the JMCs
budget, and there were still a few things he wanted to add to his
Keats knelt down next to Dante, who was practically being smotherd by
the sheer amount of on-lookers.
'So then padre, What happend just then....'
uhhh, someone make a brilliant post to follow this crap one, itl even
it out....

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