The power of a Super Saiyan type guy

The Pad wraiths were circling above the group on top of the mountain,
Jack was firing random energy blasts at them, but none were on
target. Keats was clutching his ears, protecting his still slightly
overhung state.
"Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhh" shouted Jack as he fired 3 energy blasts at the
nearest wraith, The beast turned, but it wasn't enough, the blast
ripped through part of his wing and he Swooped off to get another
ride. There were still more flying above them, Jack, still unable to
get a decent hit on them, stood in the middle of the Mesa, and
shouted "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!!!" Aiming these words in the general
direction of the wraiths, His energy aura grew two-folod, and he took
to the skies, flying high above the group, he held his hands above
the group, and began raining energy on all he could see. His hands
became a blur as they flew back and forth, firing blasts at anything
large that moved, White beams hit the ground left right and centre,
he couldn't see if he hit anything, he was in such a rage. He then
stopped after about 3 minutes firing, bearing in mind this was long
enough to fire several hundred blasts. He hovered there and sighed,
stopping his rain of destruction. He powered up again, and created
many small bubbles of energy, which he fired down to the Dwarfers
that were in his line of fire... Then he flew south of them, holding
one hand above his head, supporting it with the
other. "eeeaaahhhhh!!!" he shouted as a small ball of energy
crackled into life inches above his hand. This grew bigger, until
the point when it was about 5 metres across. Now he
shouted "MASENKO!!!" and aimed his hand down towards the mesa,
releasing the ball of crackling yellow energy while shouting,
again "HAAAAA!!!".
During the time between now and the end of the post, an energy bubble
protected mini-Phil flew towards Dante on the back of the Wraith's
beast, doing whatever phil planned to do with this manoever.
The huge ball of energy hurtled towards the mesa, and circling
wraiths, energy bubbles protected the dwarfers, as the projectile
exploded on contact with the ground, creating a 4 mile wide crater,
destroying the Mesa. Smoke surrounded everything, the dwarfers lay
at the bottom of the crater, protected by Jacks Shields. When the
smoke cleared, nothing could be seen of the Wraiths, but several
trails of smoke could be seen going in the direction of the Castle.
A panting Jack lost his energy aura and fell to the ground, creating
his own little crater in the middle of the huge one his masenko blast
had left, he looked up into space and fell asleep.
<tag, what do you think? i reckon they'll be crawling back to EP any
time now, claiming that the gods have something against them lol,
please feel free to get up and wait for them to return...>

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