OOC- Blue Dwarf guide to the Galaxy!

Hello everyone!
Sorry for the absence, I've moved flat and had to move in with my
boss, so i've not been allowed to slack as much as usual! hehe, and
only just got internet access, altho its only a temporary wire until
we can get the wireless internet sorted (then slowly die as hundreds
of megabytes worth of radiation passes through my head!)
Anyway, what I wanted to say was The Blue Dwarf Guide is now up and
running! Have a look on the site now (its the link with MP pointing
to it just in case you missed it!) I was going to populate it with a
lot more information, and in fact did write abotu a few planets but
I lost it all in one of the testing stages- but its all working now,
I hope and maybe someone can fill in info about Plebe and other
planets we've visited for me? ;-P
In the guide we can write about any weapons we have, like THE GUN
(tm) or the Deridgidizer, or those with their own ships can write
info about them without me having to change it on the vehicles page.
You can also keep a log of any aliens or cultures we have
encountered or mentioned.
I hope the guide provides useful. In the future i might add the
ability to add external links, upload your own images, include
animations or interactive applets rather than just images...
Anyway i'll get reading all the great looking posts that I need to
catch up on and post sometime soon hopefully :-)

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